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Skyler joined the group as they went to Scott's house while Scott went to detention. They walked in and Jackson pulled Winnie to another room as Stiles practically barricaded the door. Jackson put his phone in his pocket and started sharing the stuff about his senses and strength. "At least someone's having a good day," she said. "What's wrong," he asked concerned. "Just the whole Derek, Lydia, and rampaging beast thing," she admitted. "And Sky's having issues, but she won't talk to me, so it's bad," she added. "It'll be fine," Jackson consoled. She smiled sadly looking to her feet. Jackson lifted her chin and she looked at him confused. He leaned in to kiss her. Stiles had gotten a text from Jackson and walked back leaving Lydia with Skyler. He saw the two and left before he saw anymore. Winnie stepped back pushing his arms off of her. "Jackson. I'm not- I don't like you like that. I barely tolerate you," she said. "I'm sorry- I- guess I read into it wrong," he said.

Jackson walked out first and Winnie tried figure out what just happened. She walked back out with burning cheeks and noticed Stiles was pissed and Jackson and Lydia were MIA. They were all giving her a look. "What," she asked. "I thought you hated him," Allison said. "That was about our pr-," Winnie started. "Stop lying," Stiles snapped. "I saw you kiss him," Stiles fumed. "I pulled away before anything happened. It's not my fault he read our interactions wrong. Why the hell do you even care anyways," she demanded. "Guys can we do this later we need to save Lydia," Skyler cut in. Winnie froze and recalled something. "Stiles when did the kanima go to the auto-shop the night of the full moon," she asked. "What," he asked still upset as he and Skyler helped Allison set up the house. "If you had estimate when did the kanima get into the auto-shop," she pressed. "Like 10:30 I guess," he said. It clicked. "What," Skyler asked recognizing her face. "I need to check something. Keep an eye out for Derek. Stiles where's the nearest computer," she said. "The den why," he asked. She just rushed off and he watched her go confused.

Winnie uploaded the video and sped through the night watching the time stamp. The loop played through the time they were in the auto-shop. "It's Jackson," she muttered. Winnie ran back out to see Isaac inside. "It's not Lydia and I have proof," she said hearing something upstairs. "Erica," Isaac said. "Shit," Winnie cursed. Stiles and Skyler looked at her confused. Winnie ran up the stairs ignoring the burn in her muscles. She saw Erica on the floor and Allison stood. "Lydia," Winnie said relieved. She ran over and hugged her. "What's happening," Lydia asked. Winnie let go and was about to explain as she noticed someone was missing. "Where's Jackson," she asked. Her head was spinning. She ran down the stairs seeing Scott having a standoff with Derek. "It's Jackson. Scott it's Jackson. I have proof. We need to find him and stop him befo-," Winnie started. They were all staring at her and jumped as there was a screech. They all walked over to see the Kanima on the roof. Lydia walked out demanding, "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" All heads snapped back to Winnie.

Allison took Lydia home. "How did you find out," Scott asked in the Jeep. She looked to Stiles who still hadn't spoken to her. "He blackmailed me into helping him find out why his body was rejecting the bite," Winnie said. "What," Sky asked. "I saw the black blood like when Derek threw up the wolfsbane on his test and went to investigate. It was pouring from his nose and ears and I was going to help anyways because I like to figure shit out. I have like a compulsive need to know more when something grabs my attention, but he knew how much I hated him, but also how deeply involved in the supernatural I was and he happened to have some shit to black mail me with, so I had to work with him. Anyways, I put together that Derek's claws in beta form made him immune to the bite and his body was trying to reject it, but it was still reacting, so I had told him to film himself the night of the full moon so we could analyze how it would effect him. He snapped on Lydia because he thought nothing happened and she made him immune, but when I went over it there was an edit point," she rambled.

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