Chapter 3

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Amy looked up as her bedroom door creaked open, halting from the task of massaging her bruised ankle.

A woman entered the room, with silky brown hair that was streaked with grey. Amy frowned , not recognizing the lady before the moss green eyes of the woman made her identity very clear.

"Ms Willow!" she exclaimed, standing up but the pain shooting up her ankle yanked her back to the bed she had been resting on.

"Amy, isn't it? And, you can call me Arissa," she stated, a kind smile on her face.

Amy nodded, shocked at seeing the woman here. She blinked in surprise as her mind recognised some of the features of the woman to be very familiar.

I have seen her before, she realized but she could not remember where. It definitely had not been in the pack because Sam's mother had to leave before Amy had been brought to the pack.

She shrugged the thought off. She had just probably seen those features on Sam's face. Focusing on the woman in front of her, she found Ms. Willow looking at her intently.

"Is there anything on my face?" Arissa asked softly.

Amy blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Well, you were looking at it as though something was wrong with it, so naturally, I thought something was wrong with it," she replied, before muttering to herself, unintentionally making it loud enough for Amy to hear. "I knew I should have put make-up on, now she must be thinking I'm old."

Amy laughed. "No, I definitely don't think you are old. I was just lost in my thoughts when I saw you. There is nothing on your face. It's just... Sam looks so much like you."

"Without the wrinkles though, right? Or did he miss me so much that he has them now?" Ms. Willow joked, making Amy laugh.

"Honestly Amy, I'm quite glad that you are my son's mate," she said seriously.

Amy smiled at the compliment. No one had ever said that to her. Having a human for a mate, no werewolf ever wanted that for themselves or the people around them.

Yet, having her own mate's mother saying that warmed her heart. Internally, Amy jumped in giddiness. Finally, someone truly approved of her being Sam's mate.

"Thank you," Amy replied, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

"Sam, he has always been quiet and hidden among everyone else. Even after becoming the Beta, he wasn't respected the way he should have been despite the hardwork he put in to get the role. But, you... You have changed him. The Sam I see today, is so much more confident and fearless than I ever thought he would be. And, it's all thanks to you."

Amy shook her head. "No, it's not. It's all Sam. He is the who faced everything and become the person he is today," she argued.

"But, you helped." Arissa stated.

Amy didn't know how to oppose that, but decided to leave it at that.

"I guess..." she said, letting the sentence hang awkwardly in the air.

Arissa smiled at her kindly, making a move to get up.

"Well, I should go back but it was nice talking to you. I hope we get to do that more soon," she confessed, silently asking Amy if they could do that.

"Me too," she said, answering the hidden question.

With a joyful grin, Arissa left the room, leaving Amy sighing with relief. It didn't go as badly as she thought it would.

Life was going to be perfect for her soon. The only thing left was for her to divulge the events of the past week to Zach and Sam. It was going to definitely be a piece of cake.

Or maybe not.


"Sam, I need to talk to you," Amy demanded, as she barged into the Alpha's room, disregarding the fact that he was in the middle of a meeting involving Zach and a man that looked similar to the previous Alpha.

"Amy, not now," he replied, before realising that, perhaps, it had something to do with that woman.

"Wait... You go first. I'll be right behind you," he said hurriedly, shooing her out of the room.

Turning to his previous Alpha, James, and Zach, he frowned.

"I'm sorry, I need to go," he said, bowing his head before leaving the room in a hurry.

Following Amy as she left the pack house, he prepared himself to what was to come.

Was she going to confess that she had been working with his father's murderer? Was she going to deny knowing anything about it?

He shook his head. For some reason, he could not read any expression on Amy's face other than worry. Sam held his breath as she turned around to face him.

Closing his eyes for a second, he took in a deep breath. No matter what she did in the past, he only hoped in this moment of truth, she would not lie to him.

He could bear anything she did, even joining forces with his father's murderer, but Amy lying to him would break his heart more than he would ever want to admit.

Unfortunately, even though she did end up telling him the truth, circumstances forced him to believe that she was doing anything but that.


Hey everyone! How's life treating you?

For me, I finally got a break! Yayy!! I have been waiting for today for the past three months so you can only imagine how excited I have been! *jumps around the room in joy and accidentally trips over the leg of a chair, bumping my head against the wall*

Yikes! Well, anyways, I hope you all are fine?

I really wanted to know your thoughts till now.

What 'circumstances' do you think happened?

What's gonna happen next?

Anything that made you want to bang your head against the wall and put a gun to MY head?

Me: *mutters as I look out of my house at a crowd pointing guns at me and screaming in frustration * Wait, this is getting too violent! Forget I even said that...

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

Thanks for reading!!

And I know I'm late, but Happy Halloween!! (wait, is there such a thing as Happy Belated Halloween?)

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