Chapter 15

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“Hey Amy,” Sam mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he walked out of the room he shared with Jack. Dressed in a simple shirt and joggers, Amy couldn’t help but appreciate his good looks.

Amy grinned, feeling almost unable to keep herself from smiling at the adorable look on his face.

All of a sudden, an unbearable ache shot up her head, and it took everything in Amy not to scream out in pain.

Ever since Sam had entered her life, every time she saw him, Amy always experienced some kind of terrible pain in her head.

Yet, for some strange unexplainable reason, Amy never let the pain deter her from talking to Sam. She just liked conversing with him too much to let such a minor inconvenience do anything about it.

“Morning Sam. Did you have a good rest?” she asked politely, going back to her laptop.

It had been one week since Sam and Jack had become a new addition to the house and Amy felt like she could get used to them.

Sam, while working at his part-time job that Sierra helped him get, chipped in a lot in the house –which was great for Amy because she hardly had to do chores anymore– and Jack, oh the sweet boy, never failed to make their small group smile.

Amy felt sad hearing that Jack had lost his entire family in an accident, just like her, and she found herself spending a lot of time with him unintentionally, simply because she could relate to his situation so much. 

Sam rubbed his neck. “Honestly, not really. Jack was having a nightmare and I only managed to put him to sleep two hours ago. I really don’t know how I am supposed to take care of him.”

Amy winced, looking up at him. Perhaps, it had been for the greater good that Amy lost her memories after her own parents' accident. At least she didn’t have to suffer like Jack was going through.

Despite always being cheerful and happy, Amy knew very well how hard it was for Jack to do anything once night fell. Losing your family to the darkness of the night and being forced to go through that night every single twenty-four hours was more painful than Amy could bear to even imagine.

“Maybe, I could talk to him about it. I think that might help,” she offered.

She knew Sam did not have any younger siblings or cousins that made him experienced in taking care of children, and it was hard of him to suddenly become the guardian of a child who just went through such a terrible loss.

Sam gave her a grateful smile. “Really? Like, are you extremely sure? Because if it helps, that would definitely be great.”

Amy nodded. “Of course.”

Sam gave her a thankful look, and for a moment, they just smile at each other, basking in the other’s presence. As soon as they realised their blatant staring, the silence between them became more awkward with each passing second.

“So, um, have you had breakfast?” Sam asked, running a hand through his hand.

Sensing the opportunity, Amy's stomach grumbled, making her smile sheepishly as she internally chided that organ.

Sam chuckled, shaking his head. “Ill take that as no. You still don’t know how to cook, right?” he asked, making Amy grin.

“I have been banned from cooking, Sam. I almost burned this house down once,” she admitted.

Sam raised an eyebrow, an amused look on his face as he teased her, “Sadly, I actually expected that to happen.”

“Hey, don’t make fun of me!” Amy groaned, tossing the pencil beside her laptop at him.

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