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It was her fault. Everything that happened wrongly in the world was her fault. Sam was dead and entirely because of her.

Sure, she didn’t go there and persuade the driver to bang his car into Sam. Sure, she had not made passers-by walk away in fear, instead of helping, when they realized that the car belong to a person of a well-known gangster.

Sure, she didn’t make the ambulance arrive so late that by the time Sam got the help he was seeking for, he was long gone.

Yet, she knew it was her fault. It was because of her that he left the house. Because of her that he was on that road that led him to his death. Ultimately, it was all because of her.

The guilt, it was too much to handle and when Amy decided that she could not take it anymore, she decided to move away. Not just a city away, but an entire continent away. Far from memories of Sam, Sierra and even Kevin.

Running was her habit. She ran away from all her problems and just like that, she ran away from this constant pain too.

It didn’t make her feel any better and despite having a fresh start, a new life, Amy never ended up finding happiness.

Simply because she never realised that they were mates. They were meant for each other and the loss of one will always make the other feel incomplete.

If only she had realised that earlier, if only she had understood that being mates didn’t mean they were perfect for each other, it meant that they were imperfect in ways that only the other could complement, thing could have been different.

Yet, as she laid on her deathbed, her past memories flitting through her mind, she knew one thing: she was about to meet her mate and this time she would make sure that they stayed happy together.

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