Chapter 20

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“You really don’t want to come home with us today. You know, just as well as I do, that Sierra won’t be happy with it,” Amy said with an eyebrow raised as she discreetly checked out the man standing beside her, watching Jack playing on the swings.

He had grown slightly taller, which felt impossible because how could guys continue growing even after they turned eighteen? His look had changed, probably trying to copy his latest famous idol.

Dark brown hair, sharper jaw, even his eyes looked a shade lighter from the dark brown it used to be. He wasn’t necessarily bad-looking but Amy was not really too affected by it. Not when her mind was fixed on another someone who was, at the moment, still in her house.

“Does it look like I care what she thinks? I told you the truth three years ago and I am standing my ground on it. You told me to give you time, I did. Now, I’m back and no other excuse of yours is going to push me away,” he retaliated.

Amy frowned. “Even if I refuse?”

His eyes widened and he took a step back, running a hand through his brown hair (which made Amy narrow her eyes because how could someone with such silky, beautiful blonde hair even think of dying their hair?).

“Honestly Ams, do you think I will force myself on you or something? Is that the opinion you have of me? I mean, yes, what I did wasn’t exactly the most pleasant thing I could have done, especially since Sierra was more like your sister and I used her to get closer to you. But, Amy, I am not that evil either. We were best friends at one point of time. You should know better than this. You know I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

Amy shook her head, turning her head away from him. “My entire life has been turned upside down. Whatever I thought was the truth no longer is and I feel like I don’t know anything anymore. So, no. I don’t know any better.”

Closing her eyes as she let out a shaky sigh, she continued, “Look Kevin, if you had met me a while ago, maybe even yesterday, I would have told you straight up no. I would have told you that I already have someone in my life, someone who I think could have a special place in my life. But today, today my entire world flipped. I found out things I wished I never asked to know and now I regret it. So, right now, this is the worst time you could have met me. I don’t even know myself anymore, I don’t think I have the strength in me to let someone else into this messed up life that I have.”

She tried to not to look at him because a single glance into his eyes told her how heartbroken he was. Yet, she did not regret blurting out the truth to him. She was not going to be dumb and listen to her brain that was asking her to use him against Sam as revenge.

She wanted him to know that she was not the girl he knew her to be, that things would never be the way he wanted them to be even if they did end up together.

“Alright, I understand your reasons. Life has just gotten wild and you can’t deal with it. I’ll make things worse too, I know. So, let me offer you a deal. Until you get your life sorted, until you can settle into this, as you call it, ‘messed-up’ reality of yours, I’ll be your friend. Just a friend. And once you think you can move on, maybe then I’ll try my luck. And, maybe, one day, I’ll get you to say yes. How does that sound?” Kevin said softly, making Amy want to cry at how understanding he was being.

Tests pricked her eyes as she nodded, cautiously throwing her arms around him in gratitude. “Thank you. Thank you for truly understanding,” she whispered in his ear, squeezing her hands around him.

“I told you I’ll give you time. I waited for three years, waiting  longer won’t stop me from loving you,” he stated.

Amy smiled hesitantly. “Even if you have to wait forever?”

He grinned. “I wish I could but I’m pretty sure I’ll die before that. You know, since like, forever is like infinite and being a poor little human like me only means I have a finite lifespan.”

Amy shook her head playfully at him. “Poor little you? What a joke! But, honestly, you still can’t come home with us. I’m sorry but I don’t think you should. At least not today,” she said seriously.

“I know. I don’t think I can face Sierra either after what I did to her. I know I’ll definitely have to apologize for it. I just hope she decides to forgive me instead of killing me painfully and having me for breakfast,” he said, shuddering playfully.

“Oh shush, Sierra isn’t like that. She’ll just torture you until you feel like dying and then, she'll send her pet hounds after you. She won’t actually murder you with her own hands. I mean, why could she destroy her beautifully manicured nails like that?” Amy responded.

“Truly though, there is someone else at home that I don’t want you to meet. At least not yet. Maybe some other time when I finally come to terms with what happened,” Amy finished off.

Kevin nodded. “Take your time. Remember, I’ll always wait for you. No matter how long it takes you to recover from these scars. And if you let me, I’ll be there to heal them with you, for you.”

Amy's heart swelled as she heard his words. She couldn’t help talking to him for hours after that, until Jack got tired to the point of exhaustion and almost fell asleep while resting his head on her lap.

As she bid him goodbye, her heart felt a tad bit lighter. Kevin had always made her feel better, even when he was playing the role of Sierra's boyfriend.

Now, she had to go back to the place she dreaded, but she wasn’t scared anymore. She had Kevin and Jack by her side and as little as it helped in consoling her, even the presence of both of them made her feel more encouraged.

She had smiled with them, something she never thought she would do especially after what she found out that afternoon. Yet, she did it with them and that gave her all the hope she needed.

Now, she was going to go back there and face the truth. It was her fault why three people were killed, and there was no way she was going to let her clueless self ruin anyone else’s life anymore.


Hey guys!! So, I know I'm a day early but that's because I had time today and i knew i will be extra busy tmr. So, early chapter!! Woohoo!!

Next week will be back to the usual updating day tho hehe...

Anywho, how was this chapter? Do you all like Kevin? What do you think is his role in this book?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book if you liked it!!

Thank you for reading!! =)

(Have an amazing day!)

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