(十三) | Lost

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“Dead?” Jimin repeated almost dumbly, endless possibilities running in his mind, making him feel dizzy to the bones. “How the fuck did he fucking die? Are you fucking kidding me?”

His words were aggressive, that even Jungkook seemed to flinch at the flare of anger in his voice, the flames in his eyes. The guard gulped, if this was how Jimin, supposedly the nicest reacted, then who knew how the King would react. It wasn't even his fault the painter died, but he had to be the unlucky one who had to deliver the news.

“We.. We don't know. We called the royal physician, and when he examined him, he said it was a natural death. He wasn't killed neither did he suicide. He just died, I'm sorry sir.” The guard explained, and Jimin just grunted. And without any other words, he kicked the table flipping it over, then began throwing things at the wall in an almost insane manner, sceaming repeated fucks and damns as he started punching the wall with his bare hands after the whole room was destroyed, and nothing else was left to break.

Jeongguk and the guard were just speechless, planted in the ground as they watched Jimin break everything in sight. They didn't have the right to interfere, and Jeongguk knew Jimin was extremely frustrated to get his anger out like that. And he was very strangely strong for someone who looked as sick as he did, to still have the power to flip everything over in that fashion.

Jimin suddenly stopped, his hand was bleeding but he didn't seem to care. He fixated his eyes back on the guard with a cold glare, who bowed again for no reason. He was scared of whatever Jimin had to say, he didn't want to be the victim of his rage.

“You sure it is not poison maybe? These things are hard to notice.” Jimin muttered, and even though the guard was sure it wasn't the case, he couldn't dare say so. Not when the royal advisor was like this.

“I'll ask the royal physician again your highness. I'm not sure.” The guard muttered in fear. Jimin only nodded, even though something deep inside him told him it wasn't the case. He knew the other half of the story, Jungkook in the other world killed Hoseok, so he had to die here too, no matter how. It was destiny. “But what should I tell his majesty? I-”

“The fuck do you ask me?” Jimin yelled, interjecting the guard's words and almost slamming the door in his face with a blaring strengh. His cold demeanor was only temporary, he had to guess Jimin was still just as livid, as enraged. “Tell him he died already or whatever, I don't give two flying fucks. He wanted him dead anyways so get the fuck out of my face!”

And with that the door was slammed shut. Jimin huffing under his breaths, and it was only then that he noticed Jungkook again. What even took over him? He didn't know, but maybe the realization of how it would all end hit him hard. Whoever die in a world, must die in the other. And things didn't necessarily have to happen the same way in the two worlds, they just have the same results. No matter whatever else, once it happened once, it repeated in the other world, like fate.

Even though apparently, fate was determined by his very actions, it was just that he didn't have absolute hold over it. There was another him somewhere, doing things which had consequences, he was doing things too, and as if it was some sort of fucked up race, whatever happens first was determined to rehappen again.

“I need to tell you something. It's insane and you'd think I'm crazy, but I need you to listen to me so bad.” Jimin suddenly looked at Jungkook, who had a surprised look on his face because of the sudden request. Jimin seemed to abruptly realize that Jungkook wouldn't probably believe him too, so he decided to ask for something else instead. “I'll give you money, tons of it, and I need you to do just one thing for me.”

Jimin's expression was severe, and even if it was a request, it rather seemed like an order, something Jungkook couldn't really decide. But he'd do whatever Jimin wanted him to, he definitely needn't to be ordered, neither he needed to be told.

“What do you want me to do? I don't need money, I'll do whatever you want. You know that.” Jeongguk muttered and Jimin smiled at the words, caressing Jungkook's shoulder in a tenderness that highly contradicted the blood in his hands.

His words seemed promising, indeed, but he highly doubted Jungkook would do what he wanted him to. It was a big request, and Jimin already had an idea of what Jungkook would be thinking right after he hears it, but he said it anyways.

“Leave the castle forever. I dont want you to look back. Go live happily somewhere far away from Taehyung. I know for sure that he'll kill you eventually, and I'm afraid there isn't much I can do.” Jimin muttered, and his tone was very serious. It was true, there was nothing else he could do.

Jimin was aware now, that his delusion of control was just what it was, a mere delusion. He had no control, neither will he any soon. What happened first rehappen again, and Jimin could never change it. It had to be stopped from the very root. The problem in itself had to be exterminated.

Yet, the look In Jungkook's face almost shattered him. He knew that the latter didnt expect this to be his request at all, probably thought he wanted to get rid of him for the sake of Taehyung. And he seemed rather hurt, looked at him with a broken gaze, almost pleading him to change his mind.

Jungkook knew Jimin, and how stubborn he was. So if it was what he wanted then he barely had a say. Even if he refused, if Jimin was determined, he'll exile him, very far away he'll never be able to see this castle again.

“I cant live anywhere where you don't Jimin, I cannot, I'd rather die." Jungkook muttered instead, and Jimin's eyes hardened. It wasn't a choice, it was a last resort. Jimin wished he had a better idea, but now that he was sure that their kingdom was doomed if any of the two kings die, he had to take the matter in hand and solve it for once and for all. Taehyung must never see Jungkook again,  and Jungkook must never see Taehyung again. This way, he'd be sure they'll be safe from each other.

Not to mention there were wars and deaths and fires and famines impending all over the population which It was his responsibility to protect, and that Taehyung had no intention of taking the right measures to do so at all, then it was all up to him. It was bigger than him, and bigger than Jungkook. There was just one right choice to take.

“If you stay here, you die. It's simple, and I don't want you to die. So be clever and run for your life. I don't even matter If you're dead Jungkook.” Jimin said firmly and Jungkook felt that it was forced then, that Jimin wasn't really happy about the fact that he had to let him go. He suddenly seemed to see that Jimin had to do it for some certain reason Jungkook believed wasn't even only related to him. “I need you to do this, Jungkook.”

“But why? You just said that you'll protect me from him!” Jungkook exclaimed with tears in his eyes. He wasn't going to leave,  no matter what. And if that meant he'll die then he was ready for it. “If the only way you could protect me is sending me away, then I'd rather die Jimin. I already said this. But why do I feel it isn't even me the problem?”

“You don't have a say in this Jungkook! If I say you leave, then you leave. Am I understood?” Jimin said in a demanding undertone, and Jungkook scrunched up his face in frustration. He knew Jimin would pull out this card. “You will leave today by dawn, do you understand this?”

“No I'm not leaving Jimin. Not unless I know the real reason why. I know you're hiding it from me, whatever makes you..” Jungkook stopped for a second, only looking at Jimin with hurt teary eyes, like it was obvious what he meant. Jimin could see it clearly, could see Jungkook saw all the truth already. “..whatever makes you like this.”

“It is very complicated,” Jimin commented, finally giving in. He hugged Jungkook again, almost protectively like somehow in his guts, knew he wouldn't be seeing him for a very long time. “But I think I can trust you.”


𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now