㈤ | First Love pt II

585 44 2

World n° 1

“If there's any place that fits you, it's with the nobles.” Jimin continued with the same soft voice, and it got Jungkook out of his trance, Jimin haven't even noticed the way Jungkook was staring at his lips for his mind was traveling to Jungkook wearing expensive attires and the way he looked just royal by birth.

It was such a waste to keep him in the kitchen when he could be of so much more use. “I believe you are smart, and I intend on teaching you, making you a legit noble and then you could help me sort the kingdom's affairs, right?”

Jungkook was just dumbfounded, he didn't even know how to do anything save for cooking, but it was hard refusing such an offer, an offer of becoming a noble. He wanted to ask why but he was scared that he'd make the advisor return in his promise so he resorted to silence once again. “You agree with me ggukie, don't you?”

Jungkook nodded feverishly and Jimin's grin widened. He told him that he already informed the teachers of the castle about a new student and that he should get ready to start his lessons the next day.

Jimin told him also that he now owned a private room, that he was exempt from his usual cooking duties and he handed him a bag full of new actual clothes to wear instead of his thin poor excuses of clothes he was wearing, and an actual pair of shoes instead of his ripped ones. Jimin understood for the first time what a servant like Jungkook needed the most.

Jungkook never understood why but since that day onward, he was treated as a noble, and he received a generous amount of money monthly and his mentors made sure to teach him how to read and write, history, maths and everything he needed to know to be a government official.

Secretly, Jungkook thought that the best part of it all was how nice Jimin had become towards him, always made him laugh and invited him to eat out, he even allowed him to call him hyung and to enter his private bedchambers whenever he wanted to, and he hang out with him too often.

Jungkook didn't know why but he was happier with being so close to Jimin than he was for escaping his misery. Jimin may have seen something in him, something that made him think that he was a smart boy even when all he did was cooking, and he had done everything he could to excel at his studies and make Jimin proud that he chose him, but the feelings escalated before he could even realize it.

Jungkook wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All he knew for sure was that right then and there, he was falling hard and he could only pray that it wouldn't be the stupidest mistake he'd ever make.

Jimin was indeed the most perfect human he had ever laid eyes on, but as they say, nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. And Jungkook regretted it, regretted how high he had built the walls around his heart, for it only got him falling harder when they were torn down to shreds.

Yet, he knew that sometimes, the person you fall for isn't simply ready to catch you, and that love wasn't supposed to appear with any warning signs. Jungkook was falling into it as if pushed from a high diving board, without having any time to think about what was happening. He was falling, falling through time and space and stars and skies and everything in between.

He was falling for days and weeks and what felt like lifetimes across lifetimes, he fell until he forgot that he was falling. But the bottom line was that we never fall for the person we were supposed to and he was aware of the fact that Jimin was way out of his league, but the feeling was powerful and relentless, too powerful to play with or even morph. It was a hopeless love but he kept on hoping, hoping that one day, his feelings would be reciprocated.

And then there was that awful moment when he realized that he stood no goddamn chance. It was a moment full of heartbreak for, as night follows day, his joy of being so close to the person he grew to love the most had been completely shattered, to only be followed by the sharpest pain in his chest that he had ever felt in his lifetime, a pain that lasted for days and weeks, a pain he believed will last forever.

And even though Jungkook was aware of the fact that he should move on, he only fell harder, in both love and hatred. It was just a second, when he saw and heard what he wished to never know, but it only takes a second for anything to change in the most radical of ways.

It was a normal night when he studied late and he got stuck on a math problem, so after trying for so many times, he went to see Jimin in his bed chambers to ask him about it. Strangely, the latter wasn't at his room at night, and even though Jungkook knew that he had no right to question the royal advisor's whereabouts, he couldn't help but get a little bit too curious.

It was eating him inside and out thinking what would Jimin be doing at that hour of the night so he decided to go look for him, even though it was past midnight and it was forbidden to wander past curfew.

He spent an hour or so looking everywhere all around the castle but he couldn't find him, everywhere except for the king's private quarters and his deathly curiosity took him there eventually. How much he wished to just rewind and turn back to his room, maybe then he could've stopped his heart from irreversibly breaking like a cup of glass.

For as he got closer to the door, and leaned his ear on the heavy wooden surface, he heard some throaty noises, and it only took him a few seconds to realize they were unmistakably moans echoing throughout the room.

Jungkook had believed at first that the king was having sex with some maiden until he heard the name of Jimin moaned out so loud it pierced his eardrums, his heart too, and then the name of his love was chanted like a mantra in a successive row of moans. And they didn't seem to be stopping any soon.

Jungkook came to his chambers that night totally broken, cried himself to sleep and in the next morning, when he met Jimin, there was indeed hickeys in his collarbones and neck, scattered around like galaxies and he never felt as broken as that before.

He was competing with the king, and he had no chance of winning. The king had Jimin wrapped around his finger, and the latter would never give that up for a petty servant like him. And before even knowing it, Jungkook found that he hated Taehyung with all his heart.

He maybe despised him just as much as he loved Jimin if not even more, and he wished the king could just die or disappear somehow. And since that day, he never went to ask Jimin about anything at night, he couldn't even picture himself standing there and hearing moans all over again and knowing to whom they belonged.

What Jungkook missed was that Taehyung hated him just as much and it began to show at the way he looked at him, and what all of them didn't know was that emotions traveled between the two worlds, and that the mutual hatred couldn't exist without consequences, serious ones for that matter.


𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now