㈢ | Blood Sweat & Tears

694 46 8

World n°2

It was like this how Taehyung got basically raped, and he came back to the servants sleeping chambers all trembling and crying, and Jimin felt like all of the joy in the world had been suddenly drained out, as if with the work of witchcraft.

Jimin pushed Taehyung's head into the crook of his neck, wrapped his arms around him and shushed him softly, kissing his sweaty hair and pushing his soft locks to keep them out of his eyes. Taehyung was trembling, and it made his heart hurt, but he knew better than to pry for answers. Taehyung was feeling overwhelmed and needed him to be the calmness that had exited his wounded heart.

Jimin spent the entire night kissing Taehyung, ensuring him that he was worth so much more than his body and that he loved him very, very much. Taehyung almost whined in relief, clinging to him so sweetly and enjoying his kisses with closed eyes and soft breaths.

Jimin was comforting him with all he could, but he couldn't stop thinking about what happened and why it happened. And it wasn't till after two days of thinking and observing both worlds that he came to a conclusion, a weird one he may add.

Looking back to his conversation with the king, he found that it was strangely familiar. He recalled that the words of Jungkook seemed to ring strangely in his ears, also the colours seemed to get duller for a second by the end of their speech, then everything turned back to normal again.

Jimin thought then that his mind was playing games on him, that the words seemed to get further and further away from him just because he couldn't take their weight without collapsing. But while he was balling his eyes out in the sleeping chambers waiting for Taehyung to come back, he thought that maybe it wasn't his mind giving up on him that made everything weird, that maybe the universe was sending him a signal that he should try to understand.

Why would king Jungkook suddenly want Taehyung instead of him? It was rather strange for he obviously said that he stuck to him, the kitchen boy, even though he could have whoever he desired, something that implied tht he didn't 'fuck' any other people but him, and it was then that he recalled a particular situation, a strangely similar to the one he had the displeasure to witness and experience.

But the implication of the similarity was hard to accept and he could barely believe that it was legit. He had never in his life thought that the world could do something as taking revenge. Taehyung was suffering because he made another person suffer, Taehyung did so in another world but it was here where he was paying, and never did justice seem so unjust to his eyes.

He could remember it as clear as the midday sun, the day when Taehyung cheated on him with a worthless castle servant he figured out later was named Jungkook, and everything suddenly made sense: It seemed as if Jungkook was taking revenge.

He understood why was the guard who had called him a whore very familiar to his eyes. For it was the same one who had brought Jungkook for Taehyung in the other world, then told him about his majesty fucking some castle servant and he had gotten so angry that he broke everything breakable in his bedchambers.

Taehyung was drunk when he asked for Jungkook, just as Jungkook was drunk when he asked for Taehyung, and now that Jimin experienced it himself that he knew Jungkook was raped by Taehyung, and Taehyung was paying for it, tasting his own medicine indeed.

'Karma'. That's as best as Jimin could explain what was happening whatever it was. Actions, it seemed, really induce reactions. His mentors had the notion of karma just right save for the reactions didn't happen only in the same world of the actions, but surpassed them to other dimensions as well. That simply in another world, justice must be taken.

Whatever he did or going to do in the other world where he had power, it would come back later to affect him where he was powerless and vice-versa, just sort of deformed a bit, deformed in a way that would deliver justice.

Maybe then it could also be described as a 'reflection' for what happened was almost identical, but also reveresed in some way. Or maybe there wasn't a word to describe the relation of the two worlds at all.

Taehyung had apologized to him in all ways, so many times, said that he would do anything for Jimin to forgive him, that he would never get drunk again unless Jimin was present with him and had tried to make amends.

Jimin, still, was very mad at the servant, and he had ordered bludgeoning guards to whip Jungkook. He immensely regretted it, for if he understood right, his action will affect this world and will result in him getting whipped just as well.

Damn, why did he have to be so ruthless? He had never been beaten in his entire life, perks of being a noble. But maybe that would all change now that he saw exactly how his actions affected him, and he felt dread course through him.

He didn't believe that nothing could be changed though, or that things were fated or carved in a stone. He believed in contrast that since he could travel between the two worlds that he could control how things affect him. He had done wrong towards Jungkook, and maybe he was fated to do a mistake that could cost him a whipping too but he wouldn't let it happen.

He'd go to the other world and pamper Jungkook with gifts, give him less work and give him a lot of silver coins to buy decent clothes and food. He'll be good to him, just because he wanted to see if Jungkook would pay it back, and to see how and when it will happen.

Jimin thought that he should start to experiment with things, and see how they affect the other world for a better understanding of the mechanism of the two worlds, to try and know why this happened to him in the first place.

So he did, and Taehyung was just so shocked at Jimin's doings, asked him repeatedly why he was giving that servant a lot of attention and money. He just wanted to know what for because he began to feel jealous and ignored, and even though he was sure Jimin loved him like nobody else, doubt still seeped through the cracks of his heart. And he suddenly began to hate Jungkook with burning passion to the point that he wished he could just get rid of him and have Jimin's attention all to himself back again.

Also, he began to try to do anything to please Jimin, so when the latter proposed that it was the time for Taehyung to make a portrait of himself like all kings. Taehyung accepted and had ordered the best of artists in the country to come and compete. The name of the painter would be inked into history, for he'll draw the crown king and Jimin was the one to chose the final lucky painter.

Jung Hoseok.


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