㈨ | Lie pt II

404 30 16

World n°2

Jimin didn't even feel as if he had slept at all. He woke up on that chair where he had slept before his small conversation with Jungkook. Someone was shaking his shoulder rather violently.

He opened his eyes with difficulty to see that same guard of before, saying that the king had asked for him to go to his private quarter. Jimin nodded and stood up. He already knew what it was all about; Jungkook would confess to him just like the other Jungkook did. He wondered about what he should say all the way to the King's bedchambers. Should he reject him just like he did to the other in the second world?


There he was. Jungkook waiting for him outside of his chambers, not even inside. Was he that desperate? Jimin just nodded as he moved closer. Jungkook held his hand and got him inside the room. The king looked miserable, really miserable, just like the other Jungkook looked. Jimin didn't need any explanations. He already knew what it was all about, except that he couldn't just offend him without consequences. He was the weak one, and Jungkook was not a servant anymore.

“Do you know why you're here?” Jungkook asked with a low voice, eyes locked to Jimin's. The latter though fully aware of the reason, shook his head in denial. “I need to tell you something important.”

Jimin tried his hardest to show that he was surprised. He wished it didn't look so superficial. He was tired and it may have looked very plastered rather than authentic. Jimin wanted to say that he loved Taehyung, that he didn't love him and never think he will, that he had zero chance of ever winning his heart. But he thought his refusal would only bring him Hell.

If Jungkook was ready to kill Taehyung just for being involved with him, then it wasn't far that he'll pressure him into accepting his love too, in all ways in his possession. Not to mention this wouldn't help Taehyung's case at all. If anything, he'll kill Taehyung just right after he leaves as a revenge. And of such fate he was scared, so scared. If he rejected the King, he'd just prove that whatever Jungkook saw them doing was indeed love, that his decision of killing Taehyung was right. He was almost convinced that there was nothing he could do but lying, but telling him what he wanted to hear.

“What is the matter your majesty?” Jimin muttered as he felt Jungkook's hand in his hair, stroking it. He didn't like the action but he couldn't complain. He couldn't deny there was affection in the way he ruffled his hair. It was soft and gentle, and if combined with Jungkook's doe eyes, full of adoration and tenderness, he almost believed Jungkook indeed loved him. There was usually just lust there, pure lust, but there was something new in the depth of his eyes.

“I love you...” Jungkook's hand was now caressing Jimin's cheek bone, and he was three inches closer to his face. It seemed as if he was leaning in. “I'm so miserable without you. I need you.”

“Is that why you haven't called for me for over a month?” Jimin asked, not even bothering to be formal. He wished he could find a way out of it all but he knew there was no way out at all. He focused on finding something wrong with his words, anything. He just wanted him to step the fuck out of his face. He wasn't ready to lie so blatantly yet, not when Taehyung was suffering alone in jail for a crime he hadn't committed.

“I didn't call for you because I was trying to forget you. I figured out it was useless. I thought that I just didn't want anyone else except for you in my bed. I didn't think of it as more than that. But now I understand.”

𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now