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“The world has been deceived by unwavering justice

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“The world has been deceived by unwavering justice. You'll find the unwinding truth withing these hands.”

"No one will bother us here." The guy stuck his tongue out, saliva spitting everywhere. "If we're going to play, it'll be more fun with more people, so I'm calling my buddies."

You filthy little shit, don't you dare touch me. "Let's have fun being lowlifes. We'll even take pictures."

I stayed silent, unmoving. I was the only one with a blindfold, but since I can see through things, I was able to see my surroundings.

Just earlier, he was shaming Kanzaki's change of behavior outside of school. He made her feel insecure about her hobby.

You see, I'm an empath. I feel other people's emotions. Because of the negative aura she's emitting, I'm close to bursting my bubble and take off my blindfold to petrify them.

No, not PETRAfied okay? Wrong fandom.

Anyway, I was glad I had a handcuff instead of ropes, or else I might've accidentally ripped it and have a hard time keeping my emotions at bay.

"Kanzaki, that picture, was a surprise." Kayano gave Kanzaki an uneasy smile after the gang left. "You're so studious, I didn't think there was another side of you."

"Yeah, well..." Kanzaki trailed off. "To my dad, it's all about education, the right job. Without that, you're a nobody."

She bowed her head in shame as if she couldn't face us. "It's all about appearances. So I used to change mine and play where no one knew me." Kanzaki bitterly smiled. "Dumb, huh? That's how I ended up as a class E student. I don't know who I am anymore!"

The cocky guy from earlier suddenly joined in on the conversation. "I know who you are! You're one of us..." He put his eyebrows together and maniacally chuckled. "We hate elite wannabes. The kind of brats who need to be put in their place."

As the guy blabbered about himself, I turned my voice recorder on. For blackmail.

"We've ruined a lot of girls! Just call us missionaries of the depraved!"

"You're sick..." Kayano muttered.

The asshole raised his hand to slap her. Quickly after, he tightly pressed on her throat. "What? Do you think you're better than us? I'll drag you down to our level! Just wait!"

Okay, this guy has some serious issues.

To prevent Kayano from being hurt, I just had to speak. "Hey, shithead, don't you think that you've been rambling on and on and on about hating elitists? How about becoming one yourself?"

"What the fuck did you say?!" My approach rattled him.

"In terms of the system in our school, we're pretty much the slaves there. Don't talk when you know nothing, dumb fuck." I paused, smirking. "But I don't think you'll understand. I mean, you have a meatball for a brain. To be frank, I think you didn't catch on to the things I was saying since you're as stupid as a concrete wall."

"You better know how to shut the fuck up!" The guy stomped towards me and shook my shoulders.

I kicked him away, harder than I should've, and sent him flying to a table. He was angry, but I didn't tick him off than I thought I can.

"Tch. Listen up! You're gonna hang with us till dark. When you go back to your hotel, tell your friends you went to karaoke. Do that, and nobody gets hurt." He yelled. "We can play together again when we go back to Tokyo and we'll have pictures to remember everything."

I heard a creaking of the door, opening in agonizingly slow motion. "Ah, they're here. Our camera crew!"

"(First Name)-chan! Thanks for stalling." An owner of the all too familiar tone happily dropped a bruised body.

Hah, that's my cue to end the voice record.



"So, what now?" Karma spat, smiling through a clearly pissed off face. "Oh, I know... How about we put you in the hospital for the rest of your school trip?"

"Tough talk from a junior high kid." The fucking dick returned a smirk. "Here comes my buddies, now there'll be ten of us. And they're the rough type of guys..."

While they were busy, I grabbed a lighter from the table and melted my handcuffs. If you're wondering why I didn't use my powers, well, Kanzaki and Kayano were watching me. It's already weird that I was able to walk with a blindfold. Woah, this lighter really melts the handcuff. Seriously, what kind of metal would melt this easily.

"It's a fanfic, deal with it."

Soon enough, the handcuffs were separated, though, they're still in my wrists. I untied my blindfold and wore the glasses that was beside the candle.

I take out my trusty pocket knife and cut Kanzaki and Kayano's binds.

"You guys okay? Kayano, how's your neck and cheek, does it hurt?" I rapidly asked. Not caring that Koro-sensei was already here.

"Mmh. How about you, (First Name)-chan? You were handcuffed after all." Kanzaki held my hand and checked my wrists. "They're bruising, (First Name)-chan."

"I'll deal with that later."

Kayano clutched her skirt and looked up at me. " (F-First Name)-chan, thanks for distracting the guy for me. I don't know what he could've done to me if he kept that up."

I genuinely smiled. "No problem."

By now, the punks were unconscious. I checked Kayano's cheek just to make sure, but it seemed like it won't bruise.

After checking up on the girls, it seemed like everyone already dealt with the problem at hand.

Koro-sensei tapped my shoulder. "(First Name)-san, you seem like you've been calm the whole time."

"It's no use panicking at all." I dug around the warehouse to find a bolt cutter, positioning my wrist cuffs to cut it out.

"Well, for someone that had just been abducted, you would think this person has trauma or something." Sugino gave me a thumbs up.

"You're right." I chuckled. "So, what about these guys? Should we hand them over to the police?"

"As you said, let's just give them to the cops," Karma replied. "For now, let's tie these guys and treat your bruise."

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