6. the fine line

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June 6th, 1986. Curt's and my house. 3:31 A.M.

I tossed and turned in bed for what seemed like hours, I just couldn't possibly sleep knowing Roland was upset and angry with the fight. I traipsed out of bed, and across the hall to the guest bedroom. The lights were still on, I knocked softly before opening it.

Roland laid back with his feet up, doing nothing much at all, "Is everything okay?" I asked, stepping in and closing the door behind me. I already knew before I stepped into the room that he would be acting this way, all weird when he's drunk and mysterious too.

"I've been thinking about the tour." He said softly, smiling to himself then shaking his head, "I can't go without her." He says. I felt my heart tighten, "Martin said we can bring lovers too."

"Oh, that's a thing?" I raised an eyebrow, as he exhaled a weight off his shoulders, "Really?"

"I'm serious. Curt can't leave you alone for a weekend, how will he ever last six months without a decent blow job." he cackled low.

I smirked and sat down on the edge of the bed, changing the subject entirely, "What did you and Kate fight about?"

Roland's demeanour changed, he swung on his feet and opened the bedroom door, signalling I should probably go now. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help you." I say, he quickly shuts the door again, "But you're right. Maybe I should be going."

I reached for the door handle, just as I opened, he leaned his back against it and it was shut once more. A breathy laugh escapes my mouth, I didn't want to believe he did it on purpose. With my hand still firmly gripped, finally I glanced up at Roland's eyes, the tension could be cut with a knife.

We started inching closer together, his warm breath wavered over my face, with the smell of alcohol rolling over me. I felt weak, like my knees were about to buckle under the pressure in the room. I never seen him this way before, he's so lovely in this simple bedroom light.

Maybe it's the way I'm caught in his eyes, I've been blind all this time. Happily buzzed off our heads, our lips brush together for the first time, his hand heats up my cheek as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, that's when I slid my hand down the middle of his chest and pushed him off.

"I'm-" I looked at him in utter disbelief, I couldn't believe what had just happened, "-I have to go." I shuttered, leaving the room as fast as I could. I looked around frantically in the hallway, finally remembering this was my house.

I found myself in front of the bathroom sink, with the tap running aimlessly I splashed water in my face, trying to process the encounter, it all happened so damn fast. I wondered if he would even remember what happened tomorrow. 

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