7. the interview

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June 11th, 1986. Curt's and my house. 4:23 A.M.

We were pulled out of bed at four am the morning of the big interview. I had barely slept the night before, my mind raced so much I couldn't lay still for more than two hours. Curt helps me out of bed, into the shower, getting dressed and everything else. I was like a rag doll being thrown around the place.

He half carries me out to the car, when inside I didn't even acknowledge the three staring boys, "Finally made it!" Manny yelled. I shot him a weak smile before closing my eyes, leaning my head against the cool window.

"Is she okay?" I heard Ian asked, I slowly creak my eyes open, looking out the window as Martin pulled the car out of the drive away, "Too much sex, aye Curt?" Manny cackles along with Ian.

Roland sat in the front seat, rolling his eyes at the pair. "She's just tired. Didn't get much sleep." Curt informs them, while buckling my seat belt for me. I feel my eyes drooping, and I give in, closing them and losing consciousness.

June 11th, 1986. The interview. 6:15 A.M.

I shot awake to the sound of Curt's voice, and my shoulder being shaken. I squint my eyes open to see him standing in front of me, holding out a hand and a jacket in the other, a sudden cold change in the weather hit my bare arms, causing a shiver to roll over my body.

Curt chuckles, pulling my arms through the jacket like a child. I stepped out of the car, half confused as to where we all were, until Martin moves us around a corner and the ear-piercing screams of fans hit me.

The funny thing was they weren't screaming for the boys, it was the fact that Spandau Ballet was right behind us. A couple of guards race over and ushered everyone inside the building. I yawned exhaustively as the boys met Tony and the band. 

I would be lying if I say I didn't want to swoon over him, he's so tall and long and handsome, I wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth, desperately hoping nobody saw that. Curt shakes hands with him, I wished I brought our camera to commemorate this experience. 

My darling husband turns around to me, points in my direction and over comes Tony, "Hello, you must be Curt's beautiful wife." He towered over me by nearly a foot, I looked up at him, feeling awfully small at this point. My voice shook as I tried to manage words, "H-h-h-hi." 

"I'm looking forward to spending more time with the two of you. But now we have to go to dress and make up, here Tears for Fears we will show you the dressing room." I followed behind everyone, and into the large room.

The boys sat down in front of the mirrors where a dozen make up artist and hairdressers waited for them. I lingered around the room for a moment, so damn proud of these boys for getting their first interview. 

I became absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't realise my gaze was on Roland, who was refreshing eyes classic eyeliner while a hair dresser sprayed his hair. A sudden reminded of the other night hit me like a tonne of bricks, I felt weak with guilt and found myself walking straight down the hall.

I exited the buildings back door, and sat against a half brick wall, trying to cool down a few degrees even in his weather, I felt terrible. I brush myself off and walked back inside, Curt walks straight up to me as soon as I do, his face looked worried, "Are you okay?" he asked, how sweet is he I thought, "Yes. I just needed a breath of fresh air, darling."

When the time came, the boys were ushered to the side of the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome, the new up and comers, Tears for Fears!" the interviewer shouted from stage, giving them the cue.

In the background one of their first tracks, 'Mad World' began playing as they made their way onto the stage, all sitting down on a long couch, the screams slowly died down.

The interview trailed on for a while, they were asked all sorts of questions about their music, how they would become known, Spandau Ballet and even personal questions too.

"Alright, well Roland is it?" the interviewer directed him, he replies with a nod, "Well, there has been word about lovers from every member except you, do you have a special lady at home?"

He took a long pause, before glancing off to side stage and making eye contact with me. A short smirk forms on his face, he shakes his head, "It's complicated." I wish he wouldn't have done that. Hopefully it was just a convenience.  

A/N: please tell me if i accidentally use the word 'you' instead of 'i or me' cause i'm so used to writing in third person view. 

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