24. gone boy

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October 10th, 1986. Streets of Glasgow. 8:53 P.M.

At the same time on the first floor, Curt staggered over to a rather large man outside. He tapped the man on the shoulder to which he was met with a growl as he turned around, towering in height.

That didn't stop a drunk Curt from starting trouble, "You're huge. I mean like woah." He stumbled backwards slightly before balancing himself, "I wonder if your wife can find your teeny-we-" before finishing his words, The man launches his arm at Curt, ripping his head back so his eyes were looking right into his, searing through.

The man forced his knee directly into Curt's face. The excruciating pain radiates through his face and head, he fell into a dizzy spell as the blood rushed out his nose, down his face and all over his shirt. A small whimper escaped his mouth, as he clutched his nose tightly. Dazed and confused, Curt wandered away from the club and out of the sight of everyone.

October 10th, 1986. Streets of Glasgow. 9:33 P.M.

Further into the night, we all became more blitzing drunk. I wasn't a big drinker, so it didn't take me long to start getting tipsy. I lost Roland in the crowd of people, as I freely danced around like nobody was watching.

I move towards a large open circle, to find Ian break dancing in the middle of it. I couldn't help but clapping my hands like a seal, I was laugh so hard I couldn't think properly. I started to feel pretty dizzy, Ian took me outside, where Kate was sitting.

We all decide it's best to go home now, Kate went back inside to find Manny and Roland. "Where's Curt?" someone said, immediately I was flown into panic mode. I jumped up and stormed back inside to find him.

October 11th, 1986. Streets of Glasgow. 3:01. A.M.

To say that I was terrified was an understatement. No words could describe not being able to find my husband, we searched for hours and hours on end.

Right up until the club started to close down for the night. Everyone was exhausted, Ian took Kate back to the hotel before she collapsed.

Manny and Roland putting aside their tension and stayed by my side the whole time. I spotted the bouncer about to close the club door and raced over, "Please let me in, please I need to find my husband, he's my whole world and I'll die without him!" I cried in a drunken mess.

He gives me a weird look, probably thinking I'm mentally ill, he leans in the door and calls someone else over. Another man walks out, "Madam, we're sorry but the entire place has been searched for him, there is no sign of anyone in here."

I flipped out, "Just let me look damn it!" I screamed, both men locked the door, but that didn't stop me. I banged my fist against the closed door, my tears were so real and raw, they stung against my cheeks.

Manny pulled me back, "Come on. He's probably just gotten lost walking home, it'll be okay." He says, comforting me. 

A/N: this story is coming to an end, maybe 5 - 10 chapters left, approx

didn't edit this btw so yeet

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