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I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock beeping loud. I quickly did my morning routine and get dressed. I walked down the stairs and went my way to my car, I'm picking Lisa up as usual. I got used to it though. I parked my car infront of their gate and waited for her.

5 minutes later she got out of their door looking as beautiful as ever...

Wait what?! I mean she looks the same but today she looks different. I don't know if she really is or is it just me?

She smiled at me and I automatically smiled in return. She went to my passenger seat and flopped herself down comfortably.

"Let's go." She said while buckling her seatbelt and I just nodded at her and drove off.

Me and Lisa has gotten more closer, I am actually learning to be carefree around her. Not gonna lie, it's quite comfortable being with this cunt. I'm not annoyed by her presence anymore, it's amusing because just last month we're fighting non-stop and now we're like the best duo that could ever exist. People kind of got used to us being like a real couple even Mr. Yang actually believed we're good now and is dating. I mean yeah, Lisa and I are already good but dating? Hell no. Honestly, the reason why I'm still doing this dare is because of my plan.

We arrived at the school 15 minutes earlier. I looked at her, she's just wearing simple clothes but she's glowing... oh my gosh why does she look different for me today? It's making me feel stuffs. It's strange. We walked together, hand in hand passing through every students in the hallway. I got used to Lisa's hand in mine, it was uncomfortable at first but now it just feels normal. She walked me up to my first class while telling me a story, I don't know what she's talking about but I noticed that she's extra happy today. I smiled.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Lisa said once we arrived at my first class. I nodded at her and thanked her. I started to walked inside when I hear her call my name.

"Uh, Jennie?" I looked back at her and just hummed in respone.

"You look beautiful today." She gave me a warm smile and just walked away, I felt my cheeks heating up.

'Why do I get flustered around her?'

I shake my head rapidly, still feeling my cheeks. I went to my seat and flopped down, feeling as happy as a bunny.

It was now lunch time, me and Rosé are making our way towards the cafeteria hoping to see Lisa already there. Apparently she left the classroom in an instant when the bell rang, she told me she has something to do and that she'll be back soon.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked my friends that's already on our usual spot. They looked at me mischievously while shrugging their shoulders.

"Weren't you with her? You guys are third block classmates." Irene replied while giving me a smuggy smile. I looked at her in suspicion and tilted my eyebrow.

I don't know why it feels different whenever Lisa is not around, I mean I got used to her being beside me all the time.

"No? She told me she's got something to do and she will just wait for me here." I replied in confusion while seeing them looking at me with that creepy smiles plastered on their faces.

'What are they up to?'

"Relax, Unnie. Lisa is gonna be here in any minute." Rosé patted my back and sat beside Jisoo.

I was about to sit beside Rosé when I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped its way to my waist and pulling me down making me straddle in someone's lap. Everyone gave me a cheeky grin and the person who's the owner of the lap I'm sitting on.

PLAYED // JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now