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“Liz, where are you going? Are you sure you are fine?” Tzuyu asked the blonde, chasing after her. Lisa sighed before turning her head back to her.

“Yoda, I have rehearsals today and to answer you, yes. I’m fine.” She answered while massaging her temples.

The blonde has been keeping her distance from the Taiwanese, not knowing what to do. Not knowing what to tell her anymore. She doesn’t want to hurt her but she doesn’t want to hurt the brunette either. She was torn in the situation, though she knows it was her fault. Her heart couldn’t handle the sight of Kai and Jennie being together anymore, it’s like a hammer is continuously smashing it.

“You are acting different lately. I’m worried.” Yoda answered and held her head down.

“I’m just busy. It’s one of our school’s biggest event, we have to be prepared. You know it, right?” She found an excuse and put her hand on the Taiwanese’s shoulder while squeezing it gently.

“I gotta go. I need to be there early.” The blonde smiled, heaving a deep sigh, Tzuyu just nodded her head in response.

“I love you. Take care.” She frowned. Lisa tensed, feeling guilty as she doesn’t know what to reply. Scratching the back of her neck, she cleared her throat.

“I-I… yeah, thanks.” She smiled, can’t even tell her back the words anymore. The Taiwanese smiled sadly at her, trying her best to hide what she really feels about the situation.

“You are welcome.” Lisa nodded before turning her back against the latter, leaving her with a sad heart.


Classes ended but Jennie didn’t go straight home, she bought a bouquet of flowers and turned her wheels to go to a different destination. Few moments of driving and listening to chilly music, she pulled up at a peaceful place and quickly got out of her car as she engulfed the cold silent breeze. She hugged her clothes tighter to her body, the bouquet still on her hands. She paced towards the grave of her beloved brother but she stopped the moment she reached the gates. She narrowed her eyes in confusion as she looked at the person standing in front of his grave.

“Who are you?” Jennie called out but the person froze and tensed on her stance.

“How did you get in here?” She quizzed as she took a step forward to get inside his graveyard. Jennie grew suspicious as she got nearer.

The person slowly turned her head to face the brunette. Jennie’s feline eyes went wide, her face expression changed.

“Why the hell are you here? How did you even get in?” She growled at the person, anger engulfed her body right away.

“I asked the care taker to let me in… I’m sorry. I just want to visit him.” She replied while wiping her tears, her voice cracking.

“Funny because you didn’t even visit him once on his funeral and now you have the guts to show your face here? Unbelievable.” Jennie shook her head and hissed at her, emotions running through her veins.

“I ha-have my reason.” Tzuyu replied while trying to stop herself from crying as the memories started haunting her again.

“Reason? What reason? That you are guilty? That you were the reason why my brother committed suicide?!” Jennie put the flowers down before yelling at the Taiwanese.

“Did you know what you caused him? Do you know that he was suffering? You fucking took my brother away from his family! He gave you everything, Tzuyu but what did you do? You fucking cheated on him! You took him away from me! I fucking blame myself for his death, thinking what if I just arrived earlier, I could’ve saved him. He could’ve been still here with us.” Jennie cried while pointing at herself hysterically.

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