9} Not Demons

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"Of course they can't, they're not demons." Castiel states all too matter of factly for my liking and I almost choke on the air in my lungs.

"What? Neither am I." I don't fail to notice both boys reaching for weapons and I feel my fingers twitch.

"What is he talking about, (y/n)?" Dean growls, a demon blade in his hand already and anger in his eyes.

"He's mistaken, I'm not a demon." Insisting, I offer him my arm. "Cut me with the knife, salt me, holy water me, draw a damn trap if you want. I'm no demon."

Dean grits his teeth and carefully takes my arm, gently dragging the blade across and slicing it, his eyes locked on mine for any sign of a reaction. Sam follows quickly with the holy water and splashes it onto my arm, waiting for my flesh to bubble and sear away but being relieved when nothing happens.

"See? I'm human." I hold my hand over the cut and grimace at the prospect of a new scar.

"There's something in your blood, it's not right, you aren't one of father's creations." Castiel replies ardently.

"Cas, leave it." Dean pleads and the Angel seems to agree, walking away a few paces as I continue to glare at him.

Feeling all six eyes on me, I sigh and feel the air grow heavy with the question that must be on both of their lips.

"I get it that you want answers but I don't want to talk about it and I don't want to be your burden so forgive me if I don't stick around." I hug myself and run my fingertips over the familiar worn leather, breathing in its scent deeply.

"You don't have to talk about it but you are coming with us." Dean says with a smirk, walking over to the passenger door and opening it before gesturing for me to get in. "Just get in Baby, you can't be walking anywhere else barefoot or you'll hurt yourself."

Glancing down, I stare at my bloody feet for a few seconds before limping slightly to the car, the adrenaline no longer in my body to numb them, and slowly hopping in, admiring the interior.

Sam smiles at me as he hops into the seat behind me and Dean gets in the drivers seat, telling his freaky friend to meet up with us later before starting off down the road and quickly reaching the motel I'd booked my room at.

As I start to get out of the car and stand on my sore feet, a pair of arms scoop underneath my knees and across my back before lifting me into the air and carrying me towards the rows of motel room doors.

"Uh- it's number 42." I mutter, fishing the key out of my coat pocket and trying ever so hard to hide a blush creeping into my cheeks. With Dean this close, I can smell the leather and the whiskey and something I can't quite place but it makes my head spin. I greedily breathe in as much as I can.

It crosses my mind that I haven't felt safe like this with anyone for a long time and I hate myself for what this means. I refuse to have a stupid crush on stupid Dean Winchester.

Sam takes the key, unlocking the door and opening it to allow Dean and I in, following behind us and dumping their bags on one of the beds as Dean carries me through to the bathroom, sits me on the edge of the grubby bath and kneels next to me, rolling up the cuffs of my trousers and gently taking off my jacket.

"Easy, Winchester, most men buy me dinner first." I joke, making him smile and shake his head as he starts to run a shallow bath, checking the cabinet for a first aid kit and glancing over my exposed skin littered with cuts and stitched wounds poking out from underneath my tank top.

My journey is mapped on my body in every single slash and bullet wound, painting my body in angry, red lines.

"Yeah well, I'm sure most of the love struck suckers that wanna undress you aren't there to patch you up." He says playfully as he gently helps me turn around and put my feet into the hot water, the blood and dirt swirling around the bath.

"To be fair to them, I never let them stay the night." Sighing, I swirl my feet around and gently rub them with my hands, hissing as I brush the dirt out of the callouses.

"And the mystery continues." Dean mutters sarcastically and I clench my fists as I get out of the bath, standing on my aching feet and staring up at his looming figure, his eyebrow raised at me amusedly.

"I like it that way, you got a problem with it then hit the road." I snap, grabbing the first aid from his hands and hobbling into the bedroom, swatting away his hands as they reach to help me.

I plonk myself on my bed and huff as I fumble to get some fresh bandages out of the kit and tear open their packages with my teeth before attempting to wrap my feet.

"Here, let me-"

"No." I cut Dean off and give him a warning glance, finishing badly wrapping my feet and then grabbing my bag from the corner to pull out a pair of pyjamas - a cropped vest and a pair of shorts.

"You guys can stay in here but if that Angel is here when I wake up then there will be hell to pay." I threaten before walking to the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.


Dean's POV

"Little miss sunshine is clearly in a bad mood today!" I groan as I flop onto the bed she just vacated and Sam starts to laugh.

"Come on, Dean, we both know the real reason you wanted to come to North Dakota and it isn't because of some lame, made up shapeshifter case. You like her." Sammy teases, smiling like a damn fool as he quickly changes into joggers and a T-shirt.

"She's hot, Sam, but that's all. You know I'm not interested in no chick flick, apple pie life. And you heard what Cas said, she's not human and I'm a hunter - it's not kosher."

I kick my shoes off, quickly
change into a fresh t-shirt and lounge pants and just ignore him. Yeah I've thought about finding the one and all that jazz but honestly, I know I'm not cut out for any of that crap so long as I'm still tangled in all of this angel demon business. But... I'd also be lying if I said I've never dreamed of having a family.

The door opening cuts off that train of thought and (y/n) hobbles out in barely any clothes. Being a warm blooded male, I give her an extended once over and mutter damn under my breath, catching a small smile on her face as she turns to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed now." (Y/n) yawns out and sleepily scratches her nose. Ok she's kinda cute but she's still a stubborn ass.

"Sammy, Rock Paper Scissors for the couch?" I challenge, smirking at the groan from my brother at the idea of sleeping on that stiff, spring riddled torture device.

"Don't be stupid, the two of you just share a bed, you're brothers so it won't be weird." (Y/n) crawls past me to the head of the bed and slips under the covers, curling up in a ball and snuggling down.

"No way, Dean's head is too big to share a bed with." Sam grumbles, sitting up and preparing for a one in two chance of sleeping on the chair.

I almost respond before a small hand grabs my arm and pulls me down onto the mattress, throwing half of the duvet over me and turning off the light.

"If it means you two will stop moaning then you can sleep here, just don't you dare steal the covers and if you touch me then I'll cut your dick off." She mumbles, half asleep and still curled up facing me. Letting myself stare at her for just a few moments in the dimly lit motel room, I wrestle with a smile before clenching my jaw and turning my back to her to try and sleep.

I am not falling for a chick who isn't even human.

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