30} Dear Sister, Please Don't Hate Me

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MMM, love me some Five Finger Death Punch. Enjoy this chapter dudes, shit is about to kick off.

"I can't wait to get out of Nevada, let's get back to Sioux Falls and then maybe we can actually figure out a way to save the damn world." You groan, flopping onto the motel bed and groaning as Dean falls half on top of you, his body almost crushing you.

You try to push him away, sore from your hunt - a nest of vampires who thought that kidnapping Sam Winchester was a bright idea but who turned out to be sorely mistaken when the dream team busted down their door and taught them a thing or two about Ohana - but he just laughs and rolls over, wrapping his arms around you tightly and rubbing his stubble all over your face and neck, making you giggle as you attempt to bat him away.

"Stop! Dean- NO! It's scratchy!!"

"Tough, I like listening to you in distress."

"Sam! Save me!" You act the part well, damsel in distress, reaching out for Sam as he comes into the motel and gives the both of you a disapproving look before huffing a supressed laugh.

"You're both idiots but at least you're happy." He sighs, sitting himself down at the table with his laptop and opening it to a strange, beeping noise.

"What's with the alarm, the Thunderbirds needed again?" You finally shove Dean away and sit up, ignoring him as he stays behind you and plays with your hair.

"Uh, not quite. I set up a search alert for anything unexplainable, just in case we missed something important. Looks like it's going down in California; cattle mutilations, missing people, strange sightings, the whole nine."

"Where in California?" You demand, standing abruptly and marching over to look at the laptop screen, your stomach twisting as you see the activity centred on Sacramento. "We should check it out, let's go."

Dean frowns, noticing your sudden change in demeanour and sending his brother a glance. Sam noticed too. 

"California will still be there in the morning, let's just spend the night here and drive over in the morning when we aren't fresh out of a vamp hunt." He suggests, sitting up on the bed and watching you as you start to pace, a hand running through your hair - a sure tell that you're anxious about something.

"No, Dean, we should get there as soon as possible, she could...people could get hurt if we just sit around doing nothing." Your lips purse and your hands clasp together. "I'm not tired anyway so I'll head into town and hotwire a car and you guys can meet me there when you're rested enough."

You're grabbing your bag when a hand on your arm stops you, being forced to make eye contact with Dean, who holds your chin gently.

"Tell me, what's going on?" He says the words softly but it's a command none the less.

You shrug out of his hold and head for the door.

"Wait. You ain't going alone so me and Sammy will pack our bags and we'll go together."

"I'm a big girl, Dean, and you both need to rest."

"Big girl my ass, the last time we split up you got tortured by that winged freak." Dean almost shudders just saying it. You hesitate before nodding, waiting impatiently for him and Sam to pack up their things before wearily checking out.

As the three of you approach Baby, Dean presses the keys into your hand with a yawn.

"You can drive, I'm beat."

"You're letting me drive your Baby?" You ask sceptically, taking the keys slowly since you figure he's probably joking.

"You wanna drive through the night then you gotta drive through the night." He jokes, pushing you to the driver's side and calling out that he's riding shotgun, Sam getting in the back without any arguments and making himself comfy. "Besides, if I can trust you with mine and Sammy's lives then I'm at least sixty percent sure I can trust you with my Baby."

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