17} Safe-word

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"Sammy, we can't let her gank this bitch before we do. Have you got anything?" Dean pleads, considering the worst possible outcome of you taking baby for a drive as he sits on the motel bed with a beer in one hand and a coroner report in the other.

"I told you, there have been no murders or suicides in that school, ever." Sam sighs, eyes locked on the laptop screen as he trawls through police reports and newspaper clippings.

"She's probably already solved it, Baby is doomed." Dean groans, flopping back on to the bed and spreading out his arms, careful not to spill the last few inches of beer in his bottle.

"You shouldn't have challenged her, you knew she was going to win." Sam chuckles, briefly glancing up at his brother.

Sam would have teased him about how dumbstruck he was becoming around you but he was interrupted.

In an instant, the quiet motel room resounded with a thud as two figures appeared, one grabbing the other by the shoulders and using the momentum of the teleportation to throw him off of her small body and into the floor before scrambling to her feet and backing herself up.

"(Y/n)?" Dean shoots up from the bed, his eyes soaking up the scene before him as his jaw clenches. "What happened?"

The bruises forming on your face and neck, alongside the split lip, draw his attention first and he tears his gaze away to look at the man you'd dumped on the floor, noticing the scratches up his arm and finally seeing his jeans unbuckled and hanging far too low on his hips.

"Some assholes just don't respect safe words." You joke, voice hoarse and trembling ever so slightly whilst you hug your arms against yourself and sway a little. Pull yourself together, girl, you've dealt with worse.

Marching towards you, you see Dean's arms open and you can't help but flinch away from him with a whimper, only breathing once again as he holds you tight. He smells really good.

Still holding you tight to his chest, he mumbles a soft,

"Did he hurt you?" It's so gentle it makes your heart flutter and you bury your head into his shirt.

"I'm ok."

As you allow Dean to comfort you, Sam approaches the man he recognises from earlier in the day as he stands and looks about ready to run for his life. Sam grabs him by the shoulder and holds him still, glaring so intensely at the guy that he shrinks.

"What the fuck is this? Where am I? Did that bitch drug me?" Scott shouts, panicked and more than a tad confused about how he got to the grim motel room - this one was multiple shades of brown and orange, smattered with painted, metallic circles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to bring him, I didn't want to scare Bobby..." You mumble, slightly coming to your senses and pushing away from Dean, who reluctantly loosens his hold on you and retracts his arms.

"Well you brought him to the right people. We deal with monsters and scum for a living." Dean growls intimidatingly as he turns to face Scott, grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him into the nearest wall. Hard. "And you. You are the worst type of monster."

He throws a harsh punch and your nose twitches up in utter disdain. You stand watching, transfixed, as punch after punch lands, each one more aggressive than its predecessor and accompanied by a grunt from Dean.

"Dean, he's done." You say, looking to Sam for confirmation but still seeing anger in his eyes.

Squaring your jaw, you step forwards and place a hand on his shoulder, feeling it flex under your fingertips and stifling your shock. For a dude who loves pie so much, he sure is ripped. His head whips to face you and the malice in his eyes almost scares you, almost.

Buy Me Dinner First [Dean Winchester x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें