11} Cleansing

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By the time you get to the house, it's starting to get light outside and your feet ache from the walk but you're so close to the end you ignore the pain and press forwards, warily pushing open the front door of your old house and listening for any sign of life before entering and bee lining for the basement.

"I can't wait for this shit to be over." You mumble to yourself, slowly descending the stairs to the basement and shivering at being back here yet again.

Your eyes avoiding the headless body still on the floor that's definitely well past its consume-by date, you lay out the six candles in your duffel bag as well as four bowls filled with various herbs and flowers. Having memorised the Latin already over the year you'd been moving around, you begin softly chanting the cleansing ritual as you light the candles one by one and kneel by them, holding the bowls over the flames until your fingertips start to burn and the flowers begin to crumble to a powder. Gently tipping the flower dust from the bowls into a circle around you, you continue, feeling the energy draining from you with every word.

"Ex eo virtute expellat. Et abscondas me remittas in tenebris numquam separari permittas." You breathe out the last words of the spell and feel yourself getting light headed as you stumble to your feet and the room heats up in a burst of flames, the demon energy left behind by your outburst almost one year prior being absorbed back into you.

It burns your blood and a scream tears from your throat involuntary as you stumble back and trip over something lying on the ground, falling backwards and feeling a harsh knock on the back of your head before landing at the foot of the surgical table and groaning in pain. Your eyelids are harder to lift than an iron gate but you struggle with them until they flutter slightly and the orange glow of a fire surrounds you, quickly heating up the whole room as your eyes close once more and you lose consciousness.


After watching you walk away from him, Dean angrily growls before punching the air a few times and then storming back to the car, briskly ordering Sam to get in and hastily turning it around.

"Dean, we should go after her." Sam sighs, knowing his brother wouldn't ever listen to him.

"Nah, she made her choice." Grumbling, Dean can't help but check the mirror to see you one last time before he turns a corner and speeds down the road, heading for the bar he saw a few miles back.

"You didn't give her much of one!"

"Sammy, she said it herself, she's not human. She's got-"

"Demon blood in her?" Sam interrupts, anger edging into his voice over the frustration and overwhelming sympathy. "She's just like me, Dean. You think I'm a monster too?"

"Enough, Sam, we've talked about this and we aren't arguing about this again. You're my brother, it doesn't matter whose blood you've got in you because you're a good kid and more importantly, you're human now and you're not messing around with any of that mystical juju."

"You really think she is? You said so yourself, the only time you saw her use it was to save your ass, now you're going to leave her?" Protesting harder, Sam feels his fists clench and the temptation to run after you now and leave his brother begins to swarm him.

"She's on foot, it will take her at least four hours to get to that house, in this car it'll take less than one. I'm letting her cool off before we swoop in to save the day, then she can apologise and we can go back to Bobby's and maybe (y/n) will be so grateful you'll get lucky, Sammy." Dean jokes with his signature, suggestive smile as he pulls into the bar's limited car park and practically drags Sam inside to sit at a booth in the corner.

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