Chapter 19

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Advik's pov,
The journey to the hospital was nerve wrecking, each minute felt like a year. My mind only prayed for Mishka and Trisha's well being. I don't know what will happen to me or Vihan even something wrong will happen to them.

Finally the torture ended as we reached the hospital. I immediately ran from the car as soon as it halted.
I ran like a mad man towards the reception to inquire about them.

" Mishka Rathore.... Trisha Agrwal" I asked with difficulty.

"Sir, 3rd floor, ICU." the receptionist said. I mumbled a thank you and ran towards the lift.

The lift was on the 10th Floor. It would have taken time for the lift to come down so I started running to the steps.

Vihan and others were behind me. Finally I reached the ICU. I saw few young boys sitting there outside.

"Ummm....Rahul?" Vihan enquired

"It's me!" one of the boy said.

"Thanks alot for bringing them here. How are they?" Rishabh asked.

I had no idea what all they were talking, my whole attention was towards the operation theatre were my Mishu was lying in pain.

"Doctors are checking. One of them is in critical condition and other one is a bit stable. But she is shock." one of the boys with Rahul said.

"Thanks alot for bringing them here, could you please tell us in what condition and where did you find them?" Vihan asked

"The car was hit by a tree. We found them in the car where one of them was already in a bad condition and the other one was in shock with few wounds. She gave us her cellphone and indicated to call and then get got unconscious." Rahul said.

He means Mishu is not the girl who is in critical condition. I relieved but then I looked at Vihan who was in a worse condition.

" Umm, can I ask you sir that who are you all to these girls? Did you call their parents? " one of boy asked.

"We are their fiancé and others are friends." I said pointing towards me and Vihan.

"OK sir, sir would you mind if we leave now? We have our exams in few hours." rahul asked.

"Ya sure you can. Thanks alot once again for bringing them here." Karan said and shaked hands with them.

The boys left. Vihan went towards the OT and continued staring at the door. My condition was the same.

Few minutes later, Mishka and Trisha's family had come with my and Vihan's family.

Everyone were tensed. Ben explained them everything.

"Um, I think you all should go back home. It's not allowed for so many people to stay here. I will inform you all as soon as the doctor tells me. " I said.

" Even I will stay here." Mishka's brother Raghav  said.

Finally after a lot of convincing we sent everyone back. It was Vihan, Mishka's brothers Raghav and Vansh and me stayed back.

2 hours passed still none of the doctors came out. By each passing moment we all were getting anxious and more tensed.

Vihan went towards the temple in the hospital to pray. Vansh bhai went with him. Raghav bhai sat on a chair.

Finally our wait was over, Mishka's doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is Mishka?" I asked

"There are no deep injuries except a fracture on left hand and cuts on her shoulder. But..." he said

"But what?" Raghav bhai asked.

"But she is in a state of shock, not responding at all. We have sedated her, hopefully she starts responding after she regains consciousness." he said.

I was relieved and sat on the chair. Thank God Mishka was fine.

"Umm, what about the other girl?" I asked.

"Her condition is critical. Many deep cuts and internal bleeding. She is not yet stable." he said with a worry on his face..

"She will be alright na?" I asked.

Fear ran over my veins, if something will happen to Trisha then neither Mishka nor Vihan will be able to live. She is their life.

I had seen Vihan's condition after his father's death, if something will happen to Trisha Vihan has to go through all this again. I don't want it. And Mishka her condition will be worse. Trisha is her soul. I am sure she will not be able to handle it.

I just hope everything goes well.

"Sister check if O negative blood group is available in the hospital. If not contact the blood banks." Trisha's doctor came out and shouted to a nurse who came out few seconds back.

"Doctor what happened to Trisha?" Raghav bhai asked.

"The patient is sinking, blood transfusion is required. Does anyone of you have O negative blood group?" He asked

"What?" I heard Vihan shouting.

Tears were running down his eyes.

"Vihan don't worry, I'll try to find the group. Nothing will happen to Trisha." Raghav bhai said and went to call..

I made Vihan sit. He hugged me and cried his heart out.

"Ady.. Trisha ko kuch nai hoga na? Mein mar jauga if something happens to her." He cried.

I felt helpless seeing his condition but I know I need to be strong for him.

"You love her truly na, then no power in the world will be able to separate her from you. She will always be with you. You don't worry and lose hope." I said trying to boost his confidence.

After many tries, I was successful in making him sleep. Atleast sleep will calm him.

I was sitting beside him and thinking about who has O negative blood group. Then it struck me SHE has the same blood group.

I didn't want to call her but keeping my hesitation aside I called HER just for Trisha.

"Hello, please come to ABC hospital. O negative blood is needed. I request you." I pleaded.

"What do I get in return?" she asked.

I was sure this cunning lady will have a demand but her demand is not my priority Trisha is.

"Whatever you want, just come and donate the blood." I said with détermination.

"OK fine, I will be there in some time but be ready to complete my demand." she said and hung up the call.

I sighed, this is going to be tough but atleast Trisha will receive the blood.

I went towards the doctor and told about finding the donor.

Pov ends.



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