[3] - chapter three

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The silhouette of Castle Black came into Adrena's view and she grinned with excitement

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The silhouette of Castle Black came into Adrena's view and she grinned with excitement. There was something about pretending to be someone who she was not that excited her to the bone.

The girl hopped off her horse, leading it towards the front of the place. There was some commotion above and she tensed at hearing men yelling to each other about her arrival. The yelling lasted but a second before the doors opened and a man walked out. Adrena straightened her face and met the man halfway. She studied his face and body stance, noting how he seemed to have a superiority complex to him.

"Who are you, boy?" He asked, his voice even more annoying than she figured. Adrena lifted her chin, looking him in the eye, trying to seem like she wasn't intimidated, which she wasn't.

"Merek Snow, Ser." The lie flowed easily through her lips and she felt then and there that she was born for this- born to lie her way through life.

"Why do you find yourself at Castle Black?" She dropped her eyes as if she was saddened by the thought. Adrena shifted her weight to her left foot and swallowed thickly before raising her eyes back to the grey-haired man.

"My father grew tired of keeping his bastard around and sent me to join the Night's Watch." Her voice was full of faux resentment and the man watched her silently before nodding, and waved his hand for her to follow. She walked after him, listening to them shut the doors behind her. Adrena's eyes searched around, seeing the men shuffling around, socializing and training. Though it was only a plan to get her revenge, she wished she could actually join the Night's Watch as herself. She didn't want to be the Lady of Blathe; she wanted to serve and protect people.

The tour of the place she would be at for a few days was quite quick and she found herself looking around and studying everyone, but mostly she was looking for Jon Snow. She hadn't seen the man before but she knew that he had curly black hair and sometimes had a beard. That's what people she spoke to told her. It shouldn't be that hard to find him.

Adrena was shown to her room and left alone for the night. Her eyes wandered around the blackened walls and dark furniture. It wasn't too bad of a place to be, and it was definitely a step down from the fancy castle-like house she grew up in. Nonetheless, she didn't entirely hate it, which she would assume is because she willingly chose to reside in Castle Black. Others might feel differently, having been forced to seek out the Night's Watch to escape death.

She stretched her arms and stripped from some of the layers she wore, leaving her only in her pants and a jacket. She longed to let her hair down as it was becoming uncomfortable, but she couldn't risk anyone walking in and finding out who she was. It was dire to her plan that she remained inconspicuous.

Adrena laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling with thoughts racing through her head. She wished to hear her father's bellowing voice one last time, to feel his warm hug before he'd go off to hunt. It was something she felt herself slowly forgetting as she grew older. She had almost completely forgotten how his voice sounded and it saddened her, angered her almost to think about. Ned Stark had taken the only man, or even person, who cared deeply about her and she'd never forget. Closing her eyes, she was forced to relive Ned shoving his sword through her father's chest, no ounce of regret crossing his face. It haunted her as she drifted off to sleep.


Adrena woke up gasping for air as the knocking on her door scared her from her sleep. Her eyes searched the room for any threats and she visibly calmed once she realized she was safe from harm. Though, if she kept whoever was on the other side of the door waiting any longer, she might not be.

"Hold on." The girl shouted before slipping on her bigger jacket and boots. She made her way to the door, slinging it open to reveal a slightly larger guy whose face held a shy smile. Adrena stepped out and shut the door, looking back to the man and smiling.

"Hi, I'm Samwell Tarly. Ser Alliser sent me to get you settled in." He seemed shy and he talked quite fast, but Adrena didn't find any threat from him so she nodded and followed after him. "You're Merek, right?"

Again, she nodded in his direction as they walked towards the training yard where the men clashed swords and practiced their skills. Adrena watched and studied their moves, keeping an eye on one of the men who kept getting beat in their fight. She stepped up, her eyes narrowed and arms crossed. He kept grunting before trying to get a hit on his opponent and that gave away his next move. The short girl stepped in between them and held a hand up.

"You, what's your name?" Adrena pointed to the man who kept losing. He wrinkled his nose, looking down at her as if she was the scum on his boots. It was obvious how everyone saw her around there- as a frail boy who they'd pick on and send to do their chores. But that's not who she was going to be while she was here. "I asked you a question."

"Bastian." He answered after a moment of silence and she rolled her eyes at the tone of his voice before stepping back.

"Alright, Bastian," She sneered condescendingly. "You have to stop grunting before you swing. It's giving away your next move and then you die. You will never win a fight if you keep on with that."

The man was insulted and he stepped up to her, his eyes filled with annoyance at her comment. Adrena didn't back down, staring right back up at him with just as much annoyance.

"I'm not listening to you, little boy. You're about as manly as a girl, and I could easily win against you." She chuckled eerily and turned to the other man behind her. He tossed her the sword and she got it in her left hand, switching it between both hand with her eyes staring Bastian down.

"You versus me." The man let out a dry laugh with his friends that had gathered behind him before stepping forward with his sword up. Adrena twirled the sword around in her hand, warming up her wrist before lunging forward quickly and throwing her arm out. Bastian held his sword up at the last second, stopping her from hitting him on his shoulder. He pushed against her weapon with his own and moved her backwards, enough away from him that he could compose himself. He grunted like she had pointed out before and ran at her. Adrena slammed her sword against his and ducked to the side, causing him to stumble. She spun around, kicking his leg and watching as he fell frontwards into the dirt. Bastian growled in anger, beginning to stand up but she pushed him once again- this time holding her sword right in front of his throat so he didn't move.

"Good job fighting your fellow brother instead of teaching him." Adrena snapped her eyes to the man, Ser Alliser Thorne, who stood against the wooden railing above them. He held a cocky smirk on his lips and he didn't seem to like that 'Merek' had won that fight.

"Maybe if he had listened to me when I tried to teach him the first time." She shouted up at him. Adrena had removed her sword from Bastian's throat without realizing and he pushed her backwards, his ears and cheeks red with anger, or maybe, embarrassment. He looked like he wanted to kill her and every nerve in her body was ready to end his life if he tried to. The brunette spun around, throwing her sword up at the last minute and using all her force to push him backwards. He tried to throw another hit at her but she ducked it. Adrena tossed her sword to her left hand and used her right hand to punch his stomach. It knocked the breath from him and he dropped his sword, clutching at his chest. In one last victorious kick, she had him on the ground with the tip of her sword barely touching his chest.

"Rangers approaching!" Not moving her sword, her eyes moved towards the front where four or five guys stood. The man in the front had his eyes on her, a look she could only decipher as impressed found in those eyes. It took only a second for her to realize who that man was. Adrena let the man on the ground up before she clutched tightly at her sword, eyes never leaving the curly-haired man in the front of the rangers.

"Jon Snow."


author's note:
i cannot write fight scenes at all, it's embarrassing

cut throat ↬ jon snowWhere stories live. Discover now