[15] - chapter fifteen

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Adrena was weak and tired, wishing so badly to be back at Castle Black in her bed for a good night's sleep

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Adrena was weak and tired, wishing so badly to be back at Castle Black in her bed for a good night's sleep. They still had quite a while before they'd reach the Wall and she was beginning to grow weary. Her body ached from the trek there, the battle and the trek back and she was so sure that she'd sleep for a whole day if she could.

"Adrena?" Jon was way ahead of her, not noticing that she was falling back behind. He turned his head to look at her, slowing his pace until he was right beside her once more. He held out his arm to her, and she got the hint that he wanted to give her more support during her walk. The girl hesitantly looked at his arm before looping hers through it. She basically leaned mostly on him for support, enjoying the warmth and the help. "You doing okay?"

"So many innocent people died today for no reason. If I had just been a little faster with helping people into the boats, maybe so many people wouldn't have died." Jon watched her closely, seeing the pain clouding her eyes. She blinked with a shake of her head and it disappeared. He frowned, wishing she'd just let him in for once.

"That is not your fault, Adrena. All of us did our best to save as many free folk as we could. It wouldn't have prevented the Night King from coming. He's smarter than we think." Jon responded softly and she sighed heavily, shaking her head solemnly once more. They continued walking for another hour or so before the group came to a stop just a mile away from the Wall. Up above, she could see Thorne standing there. Jon watched him silently, hoping he'd give in and open the gates, and eventually he did.

The group of Night's Watch and free folk trekked forward. Adrena felt relief flow through her veins and she let go of Jon's arm, picking up her pace. Over the last two months, this place had become her home even if half the men didn't really want her there. She had made friends that cared more about her and that were good people. She had never been more relieved to be back.

Within five minutes she was in Castle Black, allowing Gilly and Sam to hug her. She didn't care about anything except embracing that she was still alive and that she was reunited with her friends. So Adrena hugged her two friends tightly before stepping back and allowing Jon to hug them as well.

"It was a failure." Jon stated as the three of them watched the free folk pass through Castle Black.

"It wasn't. You didn't fail him. You didn't fail her. Every one of them is alive because of you and no one else." Sam replied and Adrena nodded in agreement, placing a hand on Jon's shoulder. He stiffened slightly before relaxing.

"I don't think that fact's lost on them." Jon looked towards the men surrounding the grounds who glared angrily at the wildlings, not being happy with them passing through. Adrena looked towards Jon, seeing him smiling at Olly before his face fell when Olly didn't smile back. She squeezed his bicep in comfort.

"You did the right thing, Jon Snow." Adrena smiled up at him before dismissing herself to her room. She opened the door and sighed in relief, slamming the door behind her as she walked to her bed. She slipped off her boots and jacket before lying down in bed. The girl pulled her fur blanket close around her body and immediately drifted off to sleep.

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