[7] - chapter seven

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Adrena made her way across the yard, her jacket pulled tightly around her and her eyes focused on the ground

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Adrena made her way across the yard, her jacket pulled tightly around her and her eyes focused on the ground. She had spent some time letting her emotions out through training rather than crying, and for the most part, it worked. She felt calmer than she did and it was easier to focus on other things rather than her father's death.

"Oh, Pyp, open the fucking gate!" Adrena turned abruptly at that, watching as Pyp hurriedly opened the gate to allow the girl in. She was clutching a baby to her chest and Adrena's eyes lit up with realization at who she was. Gilly. "Shh, you're all right. Of course you are, my brave little fella."

The brunette made her way over to them, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. She had never held a baby before. Actually, she'd never seen one either. It was odd, her being a lady and all, but it had never interested her. Until now.

"Are you alright?" Adrena spoke, startling both Sam and Gilly. She softly smiled at the girl, her eyes moving down to glance at the baby. His eyes were wide and a lonely tear fell down his cheek. He was beautiful and something stirred inside her. She one day hoped to meet someone and have a kid. It had never been a big plan of hers, and it was hard for her to settle down, but she did want that.

"Another girl?" Gilly questioned and Adrena's eyes widened, looking around to see if anyone had heard her. She pressed a finger to her lips, shushing her.

"It's a secret." She paused and looked down at the baby once more. "May I... May I hold him?" Sam seemed taken aback by her soft voice and he watched with a smile as Gilly traded the baby off to her. Adrena grinned widely, something she hadn't done in a while. Her eyes watched the baby with adoration and it felt right to hold him. She glanced up at the two of them, seeing how stunned both of them looked. Gilly hadn't expected this girl to be so nice and neither did Sam.

"He's beautiful, Gilly. Congratulations." The moment lasted a few more seconds before her blood ran thin at the horns being blown. She handed the boy back to Gilly and traded a look with Sam, both of their eyes wide with panic. The peace and quiet she was enjoying with them didn't last very long as the men began yelling orders at each other. Adrena let out a sigh and became alert, she grabbed her sword from the room and put it over her shoulder. Her eyes looked around wildly looking for the threat, but it wasn't there. The girl sprinted to the lift, shouting orders at Olly to take her to the top. She tapped her leg impatiently, swearing to herself as it felt like forever before it came to a stop. Adrena pushed the gate open and ran forward, watching as Janos yelled commands at everyone. Jon stood beside Ser Alliser and it seemed their conversation had ended on bad terms. Jon stood stiffly beside him before turning around, his eyes landing on her.

"What are you doing up here?" His dark eyes widened and she didn't miss the flash of worry that clouded them. She went to grab a bow, ready to defend the people she had gotten to know over the last few days. Jon placed a hand on her arm hesitantly, stopping her from doing so. "Go back down, find Sam and stay with him. You'll be safer."

cut throat ↬ jon snowWhere stories live. Discover now