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Hey hey heyyy

Your author welcomes you !

I hope to find the same support and guidance from everyone in this sequel!

Warning: Everyone, be sure to check the first book out, before continuing to read this.

(Ik the ending of the other book was crap, so I'll rewrite it soon)

8 years.

Been 8 years.

After the chaos, they had found peace. Peace, that they never thought would bring out their inner selves, and would be so heavy to carry on. Nevertheless, they learnt to live and accept their current lives and situations, because somewhere, they were being treated better than they were before.

They were settled. Jobs, banks, money, house... the adulthood. Except, for relationships.

When Claire was moving into San Francisco, Adam decided to tag along, getting the best opportunity to walk out of his own abusive life and his dad's life. Once he had packed his room, he had left a note, and hurried to Claire's. Since then, Adam had been a little more alive, all smiles and delight.

Adam was earning through his job in a shooting set, being one to do small roles here and there. He was rarely picked for the roles. He was only taken up for this job because of his looks he maintained.

And yes, Adam and Claire used to share the rent, living together. They shared chores, more like Adam did most of the work, while Claire slacked off on the couch the whole day. Adam cooked and did the dishes, while she.. rarely did the laundry.

Anyways, they still managed to get part time jobs aside college and payed bills. Claire's dad would help them out sometimes, and Chandler would visit them often. He would stay for days or weeks, treating them to dinner and bidding a goodbye.

Claire had half of her contribution to buying every other object in their rented house. She was... a writer. Pathetic, she knows. But literature was the only course she got into and had to bang her head against the wall from time to time. She had few published articles in magazines, and worked under this company that paid her well enough. Just not enough for all the efforts she put.

So that's how Adam and Claire ended up sharing a roof, and felt at home. She would work away on her computer, surrounded by papers, files and websites open for references. While she did so, Adam casually walked around with camera or would be working on editing videos. He was getting pretty good at it, and Claire noticed it too.

Maybe he can post videos on YouTube? Was something Claire usually thought about. It wasn't a bad idea though.

For now, Claire was asked to write a short story in her own interest, and ended up getting rejected by the publishers because it seemed too "dry" and "emotionless". The disappointment in the air could be cut through, if you tried enough.

Adam walked into the living room, where Claire was busy doing her routine push ups, legs plopped up on the couch and hands on the floor, counting in small huffs, sweat dripping down her jaw.

"Why don't you get a job much more suitable for you?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly, already done with Claire's disinterest in her own job.

"Like what?" She asked, going down, throwing a glance at him.

"A gym trainer or something, pfft." He replied. She just stared, continuing her work out. "Okay, listen. Hailey wants you to check her messages."

Hailey texted her a lot. From a lot, meaning, a message every day and Claire rarely bothered herself to read them. Mostly because Hailey talked about pointless stuff about her fellow employees and how they are two faced. Well, she didn't care enough and wanted Hailey to not care either.

But this particular message from Hailey, wasn't quite like the other messages she usually received.

Hailey: Claire, it's imp. Im getting married.. to Lucas.

And boy, did Claire have no expression whatsoever.

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