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No, there was no other way. Wish there was, so that Claire could go back.

And yes, Adam had literally dragged Claire to Lucas' mansion, for the "party" that people around her wouldn't shut up about.

Claire ended up wearing a golden brown coloured turtle neck and a black coat over it.

"You said you'd help me forget him!" Clair hissed.

"I lied!" Adam rolled his eyes, "Have you read that shit you write about him in that draft? For the sake of me, I can't get you out of this hole you've fallen in."

"You're all talk, Adam. In real, you're just a loser." She grumbled.

"I can be a loser if I want what's it to you?"

"It's nothing to me, but stay away from my life while ruining yours. Disasters are contagious."

Adam looked at her for a good whole second before furrowing he eyebrows, "No wonder you can't be a published writer. What the fuck was that you just said?"

"Shut up, we're in a party."

Yes they were in a party, and She had a clear view of Hailey downing wine down her throat like she was hollow from the inside. Oh and there, next to her, sat Conor, ranting on and off about something Clair couldn't make out.

Usually, in parties like these, that Claire had seen in movies, the host would walk down the stairs and make an announcement that'd leave everyone stunned.

...Speaking of which, the lights dimmed, and Claire leaned back on the wall in the corner of the room, Adam already gone from where he was standing next to her a second ago, and the spotlight shone brightly upon the stairs which made Claire scoff.

Lucas walked down the stairs, a champagne glass in his hand, wearing a million dollar suit and hair done so good, that Claire thought she was seeing him for the first time.

He had a glint of superior aura radiating from him, even without trying.

His eyes barely focused on anyone as he looked around and shot a wide grin as he heard the applause at his appearance.

"Beloved ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking a moment out of your busy schedules for this party." He said, his voice firm and loud, making Claire gulp dry. "I won't waste your precious time here," he smirked, "I have an announcement to make."

There were murmurs and whispers as soon as Lucas said that. Claire heard, one of the colleagues, probably speaking, "Mr. Clark has raised his second son just like him."

She looked away, because that was totally not the case. Lucas was never like his dad.

"Not true. When Lucas first joined the company, he was extremely shy and innocent. Donno what changed him, but I've heard he's brilliant at his work."

"I'd like to call upon, my darling fiancée," and in the few seconds of pause, Lucas looked up, his eyes meeting Claire's. She breathed heavily, as Lucas stared at her among the 100+ people standing in front of him, and he never lowered his gaze while he said, "Ms. Hailey."

There were cheers, applause, and the crowd hollering in happiness when Hailey made her appearance with her own glass of champagne and with a clink to Lucas' own glass, she smiled widely and sipped the drink.

She had no idea why, or for what, but Claire's face fell.

Heart clenched in her chest, and she slowly took a step away form the wall she was leaning on, and made her way outside.

She didn't wanna be here anymore. It had been just a few minutes since she and Adam had arrived, but she felt already suffocated.

So she walked out, and ignoring everyone who were making their way inside.

Claire hated that she couldn't just leave the place without Adam, she means, where is was that man? He had just suddenly disappeared from her side without a word.

She made her way to a little garden on the other side of the house, and since it was abandoned right now, she didn't hesitate to take a seat at one of the benches there surrounded by the green.

This wasn't her place to be. She felt out of place. So much as, she had started hating being alive.


Shit. She thought. The voice.

Claire but her lips as she turned around to face the man she had least expected to meet.

"Nate." She choked.

"Hey," He tried offering a smile.

Claire couldn't believe how awkward this was going to get. She absolutely loathed being alive.

"Did you just arrive?" She chuckled a little, but her happy face died down in less than a second.

"Yeah.. didn't expect you to be here."

"No shit." She waved her hand in front of her own face. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Oh." Nate brought his hand to pull back his hair a little. And that's when Claire noticed, Nate looked like he was in a great position. The last time she had seen, he was in a jersey, and today, he was in a suit. "I work with Lucas."

No way. Haha. This is a dream, wake the fuck up.

She didn't know how to reply to that. So she decided to end the conversation with "Well, it was nice meeting you. You can go ahead."

But the conversation did not really stop.

"Why are you here?" He asked. Right, why was she here? She didn't know. She just ended up at a place she was supposed to be hating. "I mean, here in the garden."

"Oh, I.." she laughed awkwardly, she couldn't remember the last time she was this speechless. "Just needed some fresh air you know. It's very suffocating in there, and crowded. Didn't really like it you know-"

"Ah, I get it." Nate dismissed the subject. "Now onto the real question, why are you here?"


Ahhhhh it's Nate Moore.

Do you still hate him?

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