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Adam was the first one who opened up to Claire as soon as they walked into their room. He closed the door behind himself and locked it before taking off his shoes and stumbling towards her.

"Claire, you gotta listen to this."

"Go on." Claire froze in her place, looking expectantly at Adam.

"Do you remember Sean? Sean Wood?" Adam asked, taking a seat on the bed while she stood.

"Yeah." She replied. "Of course. I can't really forget that kid."

"He was older, you know."

"Yeah whatever."

Adam paused for a moment, just staring at the wall for a minute, which worried Claire a little bit.

She did remember Sean. How in the world can she not? Sean was the highlight at her boxing classes.

But after the campus trip, he stopped attending the classes. She felt utter pleasure by winning against him in every event.

"He owns an entertainment company that has partnered with the Clarks." Adam bit his lip.

"Say what?" Claire's eyes widened as big as the saucers. "He owns what now?"

"Dude, I don't know, okay? It's so weird to me. If that's the case, he's under one of the branches that Clark holds." Adam said, wiping his face with both of his hands. "And, actually, I found out about this from a letter that he wrote to Lucas."

"He wrote a letter?" She cringed. "What century is this? What's the author making us do?"

"Just listen." Adam narrowed his eyes. "Sean Wood is in good terms with the Clarks. Especially Lucas. But they haven't really contacted through social media, just emails and letters. That's what Sean wrote."

"So weird. Is this how business works?"

Adam shrugged. "I guess so? I have no idea."

"Okay, so what's his deal?"

"He's coming."


"To attend the wedding."

"Okay?" Claire looked at Adam as if that's alright. To Adam, it wasn't. "So what?"

"Claire, his company is the one I work for. I just didn't know about this."

And when Adam revealed that, he had an expression, Claire was unsure how to describe it, but it looked like he was in pain.

"Are you kidding me?" Claire asked, a soft unbelievable laughter erupting through her lips. "You work for Sean? And all this time you didn't know it?"

"No! I didn't!" Adam groaned. "Fuck my life."

"Actually, that's great." Claire smiled. "Get him to upgrade your pay."

"It doesn't work like that!" He hissed, making Claire take a step back and hold her hands up in surrender.

"How else?"

"Sean.. Sean hates me." He whispered to Claire, even though there wasn't anyone else in the room.

".. why?"

"I don't know that either?"

" What the fuck-"

"He just stopped talking to me. And before we left, he looked right into my eyes and waved a goodbye. He actually looked happy that I was leaving." His face crunched in confusion.

"You've never told me this."

"I'm doing it right now."

Is this a matter to worry about? Claire couldn't understand why this was a big issue to Adam when they had a bigger issue at their hands.

"What's it got to do with anything right now, Adam?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"It doesn't, but I can get fired if he knows."

"You would have gotten fired long ago, then." Claire sighed. It's true isn't it? If Sean had to fire Adam, he'd have down it long ago.

Let's say Adam was lucky enough to go unnoticed by Sean. Then Adam sure was to be fucked now.

"Claire, if I lose my job, I'm moving out. You can have the house to yourself."

"Stop being dramatic, we can get to that part when you actually lose it." And before it was too late, Claire had to tell him what she saw too. Maybe it was important, or maybe not?

She looked at Adam, and his concerns were highly bothering him right now.

Not today, Claire thought. She wasn't gonna say it today.

"Oh also, what about Nate?" Adam asked.

Claire licked her lips. "Nate said he works with Lucas. I want to know more."

"What for?" Adam scooted closer to Claire. "Would he be any use to us, going against his own working place? Doesn't he work for the company, that too under Brad? Like one of the most trusted employee?"

"Is it?" Claire chuckled dryly. "You know Nate..."

"I do."

"And he always takes something in return."

"If we get him involved, what would he want in return?"

"I don't know."

So there were numerous things to think about. Everything happened in one night, and Claire feels like a storm had been through her mind.

She could mutter a "what the fuck" under her breath and she'd lose it completely.

Man, what a night.

Claire only wanted to go back home now.

"We've come too far." Adam suddenly says. "Can't go back now."

Yeah okay, maybe he heard her thoughts.


This chapter was SOOO boring

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