Tom's Story

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Resuming his walk to the house, now a little quicker than before, Clauneck tries to reassure Tom. "It is getting close to dinner time, why don't I make us something to eat? Then after dinner, we can finish our discussion, and this time it is my turn."

"Your turn?" Tom asks as he turns his head slightly so he can look at Clauneck with a questioning stare.

Still looking straight ahead Clauneck responds. "Yes, my turn, don't you remember? You get to ask your question first, but then I get to ask questions about you." They reach the front door and Clauneck again shifts Tom over to one side so he can open the door. Once they are inside and Clauneck has closed the door behind them, he moves toward the kitchen, still carrying Tom.

"But that part of our discussion can wait till after we have eaten."


Tom is sitting on the floor of the living room again waiting for his master to finish applying fresh ointment and bandages to his back. They both have just finished eating dinner together, which even with another hot bowl of soup and sugary water now resting comfortably in his stomach, was not pleasant for Tom.

'Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about the entire cow leg I just watched him eat, don't think about how he ripped apart the meat like it was made of paper, don't think about the way the blood splattered all over the floor and dripped down his chin. Don't think about how easily Clauneck can rip me to sheds even easier than he did that cow he just consumed.'

Tom's dinner attempts to make a return trip but he is, luckily, able to prevent the reappearance of his meal through sheer will power. Clauneck, who is sitting on the couch while he ties off the last of the bandages, notices Tom's queasiness and shifts him around to face him when he sees how pale Tom's face is, he grows concerned.

"Is everything alright Bright Eyes? You aren't looking so good." Clauneck lifts a hand up to feel Tom's forehead. Finding no fever, he looks to Tom for an explanation.

Tom just looks at him with a vacant expression. Fortunately, immediately upon seeing Clauneck's concern Tom's fears begin to dwindle. Still, Tom knows that he cannot continue to watch his master eat like that and not get sick in the future.

"I am fine Master; I am just not used to watching such a gory sight as the one I just witnessed in the kitchen. Is it possible for me to go to another room when you decide to eat like that?"

Clauneck looks taken aback by the request but he then sits up straighter on the couch as he considers the idea.

'Having Tom leave the room while I eat might be a good idea, he looks like he is about to throw up and I do not want to have to clean up any barf. But still, he is going to have to get used to that kind of violence if he is going to be staying here with me. Oh well, I will let it be for now.'

Smiling down at his pet Clauneck reaches out to ruffle his hair. "Alright, little one, when I am eating something that requires me to rip into it, I will allow you to eat somewhere else, but that is only when we are at home. If I ever decide to take you out of the house, I cannot guarantee that you will not witness some level of violence, that is just how the Netherworld functions, understand?"

Tom nods his head, accepting of the conditions his master has given him.

Clauneck claps his hands together loudly with a large grin on his face. "Excellent, now that that's out of the way, it is time for me to ask my questions. Now where to start?" The demon taps a single clawed finger against his chin.

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