Relief and Reassurance

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*THUNK* "TOM!" Clauneck rushes over to his fallen pet, crashing down to his knees he lifts Tom's torso into his lap. "Tom, Tom, what happened? Come on wake up!" Clauneck scoops up Tom's limp body into his arms bridle style and sprints into their room, ignoring the green mattress in the corner Clauneck scrambles over to his own bed, he lays Tom down on top of the purple covers. Franticly he checks Tom over, sighing with relief when he feels a steady pulse and sees that Tom is breathing easily. He checks the rest of Tom's vitals but finds nothing amiss. Worry creeping into his heart Clauneck pulls up a chair next to the bed as he starts stroking Tom's hair. 'Please wake up soon Bright Eyes, I don't want to go back to living in this empty house all alone. You have made my life worth something more than just fulfilling my duties as the Demon Lord, please don't leave me.'


Swaddled in a warm cocoon, Tom unconsciously snuggles down deeper into the amethyst covers that surround him, burrowing his head into the velvety silk pillows. Gradually Tom flutters his eyes open, wondering why he is waking up when he is so content sleeping the day away in this warm bed. 'Wait a minute, warm bed? I haven't slept in an actual bed in over three months.' Now a little more awake, but still somewhat drowsy, Tom twist around onto his back then he uses his hands to push himself up into an upright position, sluggishly he observes his surroundings to find out what he is lying on. What he finds strips away any remnants of sleep that addles his brain. 'I AM IN MASTER'S BED! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?' Swiveling his head around franticly Tom finds Clauneck asleep in a chair to the left of him. He must have heard Tom shuffling in the covers because he starts to wake up.

A jaw shattering yawn escapes the demon, exposing dagger like fangs before snapping shut with an audible click. As he opens his eyes he imminently fixates his attention on Tom. Practically jumping out of his chair the demon launches himself at the human. "Your wake! Oh thank Satan, I thought I had lost you when you suddenly passed out in the hallway." Clauneck seizes Tom's face between his hands and starts bombarding it with kisses.

Tom just lets it all happen, too confused to do much of anything. When Clauneck finally slows down in his assault, Tom takes the opportunity to let his confusion be known. "Master, what happened? Why am I in your bed? What happened yesterday?"

Releasing Tom's, now slightly damp, face Clauneck sits sideways on the bed with his legs dangling off the edge. "My brother-in-law came to visit yesterday, he stayed for lunch and then you preformed a few songs for him, he requested that you play at his anniversary in a month, I agreed to bring you to the party in return for a favor and then he left, after that I was heading to my office to get some work done with you following me, I was telling you about what to expect at the celebration but then you collapsed in the middle of the hallway. I rushed to you to my bed and checked you over but nothing seemed wrong, I didn't know what to do so I stayed by your side all night in case anything changed but you just kept slumbering peacefully." Clauneck finishes his tale by pulling Tom into his lap then taking Tom's previous spot to lean against the headboard. "You gave me quite the scare, what happened?"

Tom wants to know the same thing, he starts thinking back on what he can remember of yesterday. 'I remember Zepar leaving on his motorcycle and then asking Master more about him, and Master telling me that he is the Horseman War, which is terrifying, but that is when things get a little fuzzy. What happened after that? Come on think, we were heading to our room and Master was talking about the party, how all of his siblings are going to be there... sibling who are all Demon Lords... and the other three Horsemen will be there... and how I am suppose to... preform in front of... them... oh' Starting tremble Tom scoots closer to his master, his heart rate picking up again.

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