Coming Home

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This process lasts another three days before Clauneck starts to gain some awareness back. On the fifth day, he manages to take a shower and change his clothes. On the sixth day, he can successfully make it from the kitchen to a guest bedroom without collapsing, his room is still trashed. This would have continued if it wasn't for the seventh day after waking up that he receives a phone call from his sister Naamah.


Consciousness returns to Clauneck instantly by strings of agony shooting through his veins originating from his stomach. Clenching his teeth, a slight whimper escapes as he rides out the pain. When it finally subsides Clauneck painstakingly peels his eyes open to see the dark guest room he had collapsed into after his last food run. Having woken up in a similar manner for the past few days Clauneck knew that if he didn't get up to satisfy his empty stomach soon then it would continue to growl. Which in turn would send waves of torment through his aching body. Having no other choice Clauneck slowly begins dragging his body towards the side of the bed. Once there he meticulously gathers his arms under him and gently pushes himself up, swinging his legs over the side so his feet brush the floor. Stopping as another growl from his stomach sends another string of pain through his body Clauneck mentally prepares himself for what he is about to do.

'Ok, I have done this before, and I can do it again. I just need to make it to the kitchen without my legs collapsing under me. After I get something to eat, I can come back here and sleep some more. Besides the pain is slowly dwindling with each passing day. Soon things will return to normal.'

Not allowing himself to think too much on it Clauneck stands up. Instantly an explosion of searing cold pain burns up his legs, causing them to rattle under his weight, but they hold. Having gone through this process before Clauneck waits for the pain to return to a throbbing ache before taking a step, then another, and another, until he sets a slow rhythm that takings him to his destination.

Limping into the kitchen he ignores the light switch, the lights being too bright for his eyes at the moment. Instead, he continues his limping walk to his freezer. Opening the door with a grunt, a mild wave of running pain up his arm, he selects the closes chunk of cow meat and drags it across the floor to the kitchen island. A fresh trail of blood paints over a previous trail from Clauneck's last meal.

With a heave Clauneck throws the meat onto the table, the carcass lands with a wet *splat,* blood splattering over the counter. But Clauneck doesn't care, he just eases himself into a chair and begins gnawing on a piece. This way most of the blood from the meat starts gathering in his mouth.

'Aww, that feels nice.' Clauneck thinks as the cool smooth liquid runs down this throat. When Clauneck had woken up after two and a half weeks of torture he had found that his throat was in bad shape. So many days of screaming led to his throat tearing. Talking felt like trying to swallow sandpaper, when he tried to beath fire it felt like trying to regurgitate a live porcupine. Suffice to say, Clauneck hadn't tried to do either of those activities since he woke up.

Clauneck is halfway done with his meal when the shrill screech of a phone cuts through the silence. Gripping his ears, trying to block out the noise, Clauneck glares at the offending contraption that is his phone.

'Who THE FUCK is calling me right now? All of my subordinates should know that I am unavailable right now.' Slipping out of his chair Clauneck limps over to the counter where the phone sits. 'I swear to Satan if this is something stupid heads will roll.'

His Emerald EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ