The Castle

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Turning around King Lucifer stalks his way over to where Tom is. Realizing that Clauneck's 'mess' is him, Tom scrambles to get his feet under him to make a break for it. Unfortunately, he forgets about the diamond leash that is still attached to his collar. The leash wraps around his limbs and prevents him from escaping. Whimpers of fear emit from him as he frantically flails his arms and legs, but the more he struggles the more tangled he becomes. With each failed attempt to detangle himself Tom's terror grows. That is until he feels a hand grab the back of his shirt and he is dragged across the floor to the door.

Having learned enough over the past five months living with Clauneck that escape is impossible once a demon has a hold of you, so he goes limp. Salty tears cascading down his cheeks as sobs rack his body. Lifting his head Tom's last sight is of his Master's black eyes, eyes that hold such sorrow and regret, eyes that seem to scream 'I am sorry I could not protect you.' It is all too much for the poor little human. Tom's eyes roll back, his head slumping to the side in a dead faint as he is dragged off into the night. 


Using his six pearl white wings King Lucifer flies through the sky towards his castle. An unconscious human dangling from his grasp. His face shows no emotion but his eyes tell a different story, he is furious. 'I can't believe Clauneck was this stupid, bringing an unbound human soul into my domain is like setting off an airhorn in a library. It's stupid, idiotic, and guaranteed to draw unwanted attention. Like the attention of my overbearing Father and goody-two-shoes brother Micheal. There was a reason I rebelled and got myself kicked out of Heaven, to get away from my family and their self-righteous attitudes. If anyone of my siblings were to find out about this human being in the Netherworld when it should still be on Earth they will go crying to daddy. Then, of course, Father will come down and lecture me on how much of a disappointment I am, how I had so much potential that I just wasted, how I should be more like my perfect brother Micheal. Lucifer rolls his eyes in annoyance. 'If he finds out I will have to sit through another one of his long-winded lectures, I mean seriously the last time he talked for two and a half weeks straight! 432 hours of not stop yammering.' A migraine begins to form just from thinking about it. 'I am NOT going through that again, I just need to get the human back to Earth without anyone noticing then I am home free.' Putting extra strength into downward thrust his topmost pair of wings Lucifer accelerates through the air toward his castle.

 Soon the stars above begin to disappear under ominous clouds. The ground under them dying out to reveal jagged rocks. Up ahead standing above it all is Lucifer's castle. The black stone towers jetting out into the swirling vortex of clouds that permanently shrouds the castle in darkness. The land surrounding the fortress is nothing but a fifty-mile drop onto the unforgiving stone.

Swooping down Lucifer lands gently on the stone steps leading up to the iron front doors. His large white wings fold in on themselves as he has no more need of them since he has reached his destination. The large doors loom ahead as he makes his way up the steps, dragging the limp human with him. Throwing the heavy door open with one hand hard enough that it collides against the wall with a *BANG.*

Tom startles awake at the loud impact. Confused and disoriented he moans softly as he fights to open his eyes 'What happened?' Feeling the ground moving under him he tries a little harder to get his brain to work properly, but for some reason, his mind refuses to cooperate. Blinking the last bit of fuzziness out of his eyes the sight that greets him just makes him more confused. 'Red carpet? Why am I being hauled over a red carpet? Where am I?'

His Emerald EyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin