Chapter 1 - The massive break up

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Hey guys!

      I'm sorry this chapter took me a whole lot of time to publish. I've just been trying to put things in order but it's here now. 😉😉

Hopefully, updates will be coming sooner now!!! ❤❤💛




"What the fuck do you mean you're done with me," I asked my boyfriend, fiance to be precised, who looks like he's gonna break every piece of bone in my body, as hot tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Exactly what you heard, dummy", he spat back, almost yelling.

"Who do you think you are Mr arrogant? I have done everything a woman would do. I've loved you with everything in me but still you are fucking damn to greedy to appreciate me nor my efforts", I yelled. How dare he call me a dummy. Douche bag..

It's 11:35pm, friday night..

He had an annoying smirk on his face like he was getting what he wanted. Yeah, I've noticed his attitude towards me lately but this is out of it. This fire he's lighting will really consume us both, especially me since I'm not ready for it.

"Harry darling. Is it because I refused to your sexual advances again, you are all worked up," I looked into his eyes, looking for answers but found none.

We were making out just few minutes ago and when I refused him having his way, he got really upset and see where it has landed me. Yeah, we are engaged and we agreed no sex until after out wedding but every opportunity he sees, he always tries to misuse it. I'm a virgin, a 23year old virgin. Ok, I'm not yet 23,but I will soon be. 

"Just shut the hell up, you spoilt brat. And who said it's all about your fucking pussy. If I want to have a good fuck, I know where to go. Only if you knew how many ladies will drop their panties just to have me with them," he yelled throwing a pillow to the wall.

"I'm damn sick of you. Yeah, you are smart, handworking and beautiful I guess. You have all the qualities a man wants in a woman but I need more than that. Your dressing makes me sick, you don't do make up or anything. You're too dry a lady for my liking and I'm fed up. I thought I could walk down the isle with you but guess I was totally wrong," he vomited without thinking about my emotions.

"You just insulted my personality, Harry," my voice cracked, as I felt my heart crush. We fight and say all hurtful words to each other but this was height of it all.

"I thought you loved the way I dressed and how I looked. You always praised me, you said I was all you needed. Why are you saying all these things to me? Why can't guys appreciate we ladies? I cook your meals, clean your house when I come around and here you are, insulting personality", I couldn't believe my ears.

"Hey Imelda, stop making this hard for us. Don't get me wrong, I loved you and I enjoyed every moment with you but this can't work anymore. I'm fed up and I can't lie to you. You will certainly find a man for you but I'm not him" he said, moving towards me to hug me.

I pushed him away, "you know what, get out of my house," I yelled pointing at the exit door.

He stood and watched me for a moment before talking, "you mean I should leave your house?" He questioned.

"I don't have water in my mouth nor food, and I believe your ears are functioning properly," I rolled my eyes, with my hand still pointing at the door.

"Are you being serio-",

"Get the fuck out of my apartment." I yelled, more like roaring. I walked over to the door and opened it wide for his grand exit. "Get lost and never show your stupid self ever again."

"Fine, I will leave", he sighed, putting his hands up in surrender. "But trust me, you will come begging me," he smirked proudly like a king without a kingdom.

On his way out, I danced out the silver ring off my middle finger and threw it at him, not missing the target of his forehead which made him react to the pain. He bent over and picked it up with a devilish smirk on his face before I slammed the door angrily.

I went down to the floor and cried out my heart and soul. Minutes after, I stood up, looked for my phone before calling my cousin, Lizzy short for Elizabeth.




"It's morning already sweetheart and you are still soaking your pillows with tears," Lizzy dragged the duvet cover off my body. "Babes, suck it up already. It's Saturday morning and I can't allow my sweet cousin cry her eye balls out. Get your silly ass from that bed and go freshen up,"

I'm sure she reacted due to the expression on my face. She never liked Harry anyway, or so I thought because she was never comfortable around him for a reason I don't know. Anytime I asked her, she would say she doesn't like his vibe and I never pushed it.

"Get a boyfriend or a fiance, only then will you know how I feel right now," I hissed, getting up from the bed.

"I know how you feel honey. I really do, but there's nothing we both can do. He made up his mind, he doesn't deserve you. You deserve better Imelda. Moreover, a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage," she said calmly, emotions or sympathy written in her eyes.

"Enough of this talk please. You're making things worse right now," I said, trying hard to fight back the tears already forming, that was when I noticed she was dressed in a bright red top and a white jeans.

"Yeah, we are going out and now!" She said, reading the question in my eyes.

"Right.. Thought as much," I sighed.

It took me eternity to bath. Lizzy kept on yelling stating she was gonna break my bathroom door.

Dressed in a free short gown, I sat on the high stool in front of my dressing table. "Make me up please?" I say to Lizzy who looks so surprised.

"When did my natural cousin start taking interest in make-up?" She asked.

"Just fucking make me up Lizzy," I screamed.

"Ok ma," she gave up and started fixing my face. She's just a fucking make-up freak.

First chapter ahhhh!! 💃💃💃

It's pretty crap right now but it'll get better with time and things will spice up..

Oooops, you all must be wondering where the beauty queen Imelda is because the one you have here is the opposite. Well, this is only the beginning.

But still, hope you all liked this chapter 😉😚


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