Chapter 3 - Club

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It's been exactly one week since I got into town.

"Bro, let's go clubbing this night. I bet we'll both see someone that will Interest us," my younger brother, Barry, said to me.

"You will never change. We've just been in town for seven days and you want to club," I shook my head.

"Yes bro. Clubbing is life, moreover it's your birthday. Don't be a spoil fun," he did his usual smirk. "C'mon bro, I promised I won't get drunk or anything."

I nod in agreement.

"That's better. Even if I get high or tipsy, I know you will be there," he raised his eye brow repeatedly.

This monkey actually thinks he's still in London where I will protect him. "One man for himself, bro. You're 24 and you should think about having one girl to yourself not drinking and fucking everything in skirts," I scolded him.

"Ooouch! That hurts," he sighed, with one hand on his chest. "I will think about that when we get back but for now, we have a club waiting for us," he stood up from the chair and started walking towards the door.

"Get ready, will be with you shortly," he said, "And treats are on you," he smirked before closing the door behind him.

The sound coming from the club was so loud I couldn't hear clearly the rubbish Barry was saying as different girls came out of the building.

"What do I get for you?" The bar attender asked. "Isn't she pretty?" Barry threw the question at me, smirking at the lady who just kept on blushing.

If I didn't drive Barry myself, I would have thought he was already tipsy or high on something.

I spotted a single lady at the other side of the stand. From what I'm seeing, she's turning down someone's offer. "Hey, don't move or do something stupid," I screamed due to loud music playing.

I found myself behind her and managed to speak.

"Hey! Can I join?"





"Hey! Can I join?" A sweet masculine voice asked behind me.

"Sure, as far as you don't force or lure me into dancing or do any other thing with you," I said as I took a sip of the water I was drinking with lemons in it.

"Thanks," he said and hopped into the seat beside me. "I'm Micheal by the way. And you are?" He asked, reaching for my hand.

"Imelda," I sighed, giving him my hand.

"Nice name for a pretty lady," he smiled.

"Ikr, Thanks." I smiled back.

"What's the occasion?" He asked.

"My birthday," I replied taking another long sip from my glass.

"You don't mean it," I heard him chuckle.

"Huh? I don't follow," I raised one eye brow.

"I guess we are birthday mates then," he smiled, his set of white teeth exposed.

"Really!" I sighed, my mood brightening up. "Happy birthday," I say to him smiling.

Never in my life I've I come across someone who I share the same day with, July 5th.

"Yeah, same here. So can I have a dance?"

I smiled, "Sure." I stood up and we both went to the dance floor.

Hours later..

"I really enjoyed my night. Thanks," I smiled as we walked outside the building to the parking lot.

"Yeah. You actually dance well, you need to teach me some of those moves. Damn it," he said, trying to do the dance moves.

I laughed. "Please stop it. You look like a clown doing that." "You came alone right?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I came with my younger brother. Speaking of which, I really need to go look for him,"

"Yeah.. That's fine. See you around some other time," I smiled about to enter my car before his voice stopped me. "Can I have your contact?"

"Uhm. Contact, yeah." I stammered as I reached for my purse on the other side of the car.

"Wow. Imelda madu," he sighed smiling at the complimentary card. "Nice name. Hug?" He smiled, with his arms opened.

"Sure. Right!" I said and hugged him before entering the car.

"Will call you," he smiled, using his hand to demonstrate. "No problem. I will be expecting your call then. Good night," I waved at him, then drove off.




Four days now and Micheal hasn't called nor text. Probably, I will never see him again.

It's friday evening and this boredom is really killing me. I opened my junk fridge and found only a pack of grape, biggest bottle of fanta and two bottles of cashew nuts.

I contemplated whether or not to drive down the super market or shoprite and finally agreed to get my silly ass outside.

"Hello beautiful", a familiar voice greeted me. I looked up and my eyes locked into his. Micheal.

"W-What..are y-you doing here? How did you find me?" I stammered, dropping the cereal I was holding into the trolley.

"Hey, I'm not a stalker. And yes, I'm sorry for not calling you after that night. I've been quite busy with the company. How have you been?"

"Still you haven't answered my question. How did you find me?" I asked, a bit firm with my words.

"I didn't find you or did I? Well, I saw your figure through the other side and here I am, talking to you again," he said pointing at where he sighted me from.

"Wow. What an interesting story," I said in sarcasm, a bit still angry with him for not calling at all.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Moreover, I lost the card you gave me if not I would have tried my best to give you a visit during working hours," he winked, his own way of apologizing.

I smiled and began pushing the trolley forward slowly. "Okay, fine. I'm really sorry. Can we go out one of these days?" He indirectly asked me out.

"Are you asking me out on a date or what?" I snapped.

"If he sounds that way, I guess."

"You are still guessing," I hissed, pushing my trolley fast this time.

"Hey Mel, why are you harsh on me? I'm sorry. I really am sorry," he ran after me.

"I'm not being harsh Mic. I'm just not in a good mood tonight," I explained. We got to the counter and he offered to pay for my stuffs and I didn't fight it. No strength for argument, at least not this evening.

"So, are you game for the lunch date or dinner date?" He smirked.

"Anyone will do," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, that reminds me. Your number please?" he handed his phone to me. "Here you go," I sighed after putting my number.

"Thanks, catch ya later," he winked before getting back inside the mall.


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