Chapter 10 - Contraceptive pills

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I was searching for the head of my belt in the wardrobe when I came across something. It felt to the ground.

I picked it up and scanned through it. A pill. I dropped it back and continued searching for my stuff.

I went to the bathroom, to check if I mistakenly dropped it there but was disappointed not to see it. I was about to leave when I something caught my attention.

The same pill that dropped from the wardrope minutes ago. "How did this get here?" I asked himself.

I picked it up and left the bathroom. I went over to wardrobe and still saw the pill. I read carefully the wordings on it.

It was....a fucking goddamn Contraceptive Pills.

"Has Mel been stuffing her womb with this?" My mind kept asking me.

"Babe..darling..where are you? You will be late for work," I heard Mel say.

I quickly dropped the pills and left the room. My mind kept battling on how to react. Should I bring it up? Or I just play along with her? Why the fuck will she be stuffing her womb? Contraceptive pills. Damn it!

I got to the table and found no breakfast. "Are you gonna stave me off breakfast again?" I sarcastically asked.

Guess I'm used to not having breakfast in the morning.

"No. Not at all. I actually made you fried eggs," she spoke from the kitchen. Coming out carrying a tray containing my cup of coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs.

"I made your coffee just the way you like it," she smiled, setting the items in front of me.

"Won't you join me?" I asked, taking a sip of the coffee. "Mmmm, this is...perfect."

"I knew you would love it and no, I will have my breakfast later," she replied, with a sweet smile. "Hurry up so you won't be late for work."

"Yeah, while I'm at it can you please help me search for the head of my belt. I can't seem to see it anywhere," I told her, with a mouthful of bread and egg.

"Of course. I kept it in the drawer. Will go get it. Is that all?" She asked, standing on her feet.

"Yeah, and of course, my briefcase," I smiled.

"Ok honey," she kissed my head and left for our room.




"Thanks babe. I loved the eggs. And my coffee, just the way I love it. You're the best," I said, assisting her clear the table.

"Babe.. " she called.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm sorry... "

"Sorry for what?" I asked, confused.

"Denying of breakfast or any other meal," she added.

"Oooh. C'mon," I waved it off. "You always apologize and still repeat it over and over again. I'm kinda getting used to it," I said, playing with her hair while using my other hand to snake around her waist.

"Thank baby....for understand," she giggled.

"I have a question. Imagine you are in a man's shoes and you find out your wife is using pills to prevent pregnancy. How would you feel or take it?" I threw at her.

At first, she was uneasy about the question and asked, "where did this question come from babe?"

"You see. One of the staffs who I sometimes communicate with told me about his wife and how he found out she uses pills," I lied.

"Oooh. If so, then... " she trailed off. "I really don't know. Maybe she has her own personal reasons for doing so... Or maybe she isn't just ready for babies yet. You see, being a mother is like a full time job. It's sweet but also stressful. One has to be physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally prepared for it," she added.

"Hmmm. Is that why you aren't ready for babies yet?" I kissed her neck.

"I think so... Especially, I'm not ready to loose my figure or beauty because of child bearing. I want to give you kids, love but I'm not prepared,"

"What if we take it one at the time?" I asked, poking her nose, making her blush.

"I don't know,"

"Okay, fine. What is your advice to the man? Do you think he should take in another wife or have a mistress who will be giving him children?"

"No!" She snapped immediately. "Uhm, I mean..he should give her more time. I guess she will come around," she said, calmly this time.

"I will think about it," I said,

"Huh?" She looked confused.

"No.. What I mean is...I will tell him about it," I cleared her thoughts.

"Oooooh. Better," she smiled.

"Baby, I have to run along. Don't wanna be stuck in traffic. Won't you go to work today?"

"No.. I'm not feeling too well. I already called the office and was given today and tomorrow to rest and since today's Thursday, I guess I have four days to rest," she smiled, taking a glass of water.

"Alright then. I will be home early and hopefully, eat dinner with you that's if you decide to cook," I added, heading out of the kitchen. "Bye love. Stay safe and call if you need anything."

"Won't I get my kiss?" She pouted.

"Oooh, Almost forgot." I kissed her on the head, both cheeks, eyes, nose then the lips. Her delicious lips. Before dashing out.

"Drive safe hon," I last heard her say before closing the door.

While driving, different things came rushing in my mind. Only if she knew that I already know about her one and only secret. I thought only ladies who are scared of having kids out if wedlock take Contraceptive pills, I never knew married women do too.

This is so heart consuming.

The road was free today. Lekki roads are most times free except for the traffic lights, but sometimes can be really crazy. I drove into the parking lots and parked at my usual spot near Barry's car where no other person is permitted to.

Getting out of the elevator, I went straight to Barry's office.

"Barry, I need your help."




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