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After turning on some music, I flop down on my bed. I look at the paper bag, smiling. I carefully remove the Post-it with the phoenix sketch, open the book on my bedside table and stick the note on the inside of it. Then I open the bag. I take out piece after piece everything that's inside; it feels like opening a Christmas present.

Two sandwiches, a pear, an apple, cookies, coffee, water, and various snacks and sweets. On some of them Aza has put little Post-its with messages. For example: The coffee is black and says it matches your soul, the pear says we'd make a cute pear, and one of the chocolate bars says a snack for a snack. I read all the notes, grinning like an idiot, and end up sticking all of them into my book. I send Aza a message saying thank you for saving my life. Then I, finally, start eating.

Her response comes about half an hour later.

that's what superheroes do

you're welcome

I immediately text back.

so now you're a superhero?

i've always been

in fact, superhero is my middle name

no it's not

nope, it really isn't

i don't have one

you should have, it should be 'dork'

pretty sure that's illegal

i don't care, it suits you

fuck you

what's yours?

don't have one

you're lying

how do you know?

rich people always have one

fuck you

tell me


don't laugh

i won't




really? phoenix océane leflore?


that's so fancy, love the accent mark btw

fuck you

i love it, seriously

you're fucking with me, right?

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