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Wednesday. 3pm. I take out my keys, open the front door. I get inside, my head filled with pictures and thoughts. I recite some lines from my play, think about Aza, think about my father, about Maisie, about my mother, and about France.


"Maise," I blink, "hey. What's going on?"

Maisie is wearing a backpack, her small hands wrapped around the straps, a big grin stuck on her face. Behind a counter, I see my mother, food around her, preparing what looks like sandwiches.

"We're going to the zoo," Maisie says.

"Like - now?"

"Yes, now. And you know what? Aza's coming too!"

"Aza is - what?"

I look at my mother. She's looking down at a sandwich.

"Who's idea was this?" I ask.

"It was Mais-"

"Célia's," Maisie says. "Isn't that great? I can't wait to finally meet Aza. She does have time, right?"

"Uh, yeah," I say. "I think so."

"Think so? You have to make sure, Nix - you have to call her right now!"

"Right now?"

"Right now!"

"But... where's Dad?" I say, my amusement turning back to confusion. "Is he going too?"

"I think he's working or something. But," Maisie looks at my mother, "we can go without him, right?"

"Yes." She nods. "It'll just be you, Phoenix, and Aza."

"Why aren't you going?" I ask.

"That's what I said too," Maisie says, before my mother can answer. "But Célia has to go somewhere else."

"Yes," she says. "That's right. I have an appointment with another designer."

I look at her. Her green eyes are avoiding mine.

"Sadly," Maisie says. "But we'll take photos, so you won't miss anything."

"Yes, and that's very nice. Thanks, Maisie."

"Well," I say, "so..."

"So call Aza - or don't call her, we can surprise her!"

"Right. Yeah, that's sounds good. Aza likes surprises."

"Of course she does, everyone does."

"Right. Well," I say, "I'll go upstairs for a moment, get ready."

"Okay. But hurry, Nix."

"I will."

I go upstairs, wondering whether I'm dreaming. I take my phone and send Aza a message.

i was right

Her response comes less than a minute later.

of course you were

about what exactly?

3.30pm, your trailer


wear something nice

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