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Wednesday. The morning. Sunlight is streaming through the windows; the smell of coffee is filling the air. I look at Phoenix, still asleep. She looks peaceful. And beautiful. And sexy. She looks like a photograph. Shit, do I sound like a creep? Phoenix sits up, slowly, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, princess," I say.

"Morning," she yawns.

She gets out of bed, then steps towards me. I feel her hugging me from behind, her arms wrapping around me. She's a little cold, but I don't mind. She plants a kiss on my shoulder, which makes me smile. I close my eyes. I bet we look disgustingly cute.

"You made coffee?"


"You're the best."

"And you're the worst," I say, turning around. I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her.

"I think," she says, "I should stay over more often."

"I think so too."

We go back to bed, taking the coffee and some toast with us. I try drinking black coffee, like her. I quickly give up - maybe after one, maybe half a sip -, which makes her laugh. I show her how I used to eat toast, and how I sometimes still do. I just take some fruits, usually a banana and berries, and then I build faces on toast.

"My parents always did that with me," I tell Phoenix. I also tell her that after they died, I still did that. It's just that the faces weren't happy faces anymore. Right now, they are. They look like grinning weirdos, which I guess you could also say about Phoenix and me. Grinning weirdos. They look like happiness. And they taste like happiness.

"By the way," Phoenix says, "we woke up too early."

"No, we didn't."

"We didn't?"

"We didn't," I say, moving closer and looking at her lips, which look extremely kissable.

"Right." She touches my bottom lip, runs her thumb across it, makes my heart beat faster. "We didn't."

I kiss her smile, taste it. It tastes like happiness, she tastes like happiness. We start slow, and continue less slow. I kiss her neck, then her lips. I push her onto her back, get on top of her. My mouth moves to her neck again and fuck, I feel like a vampire because all I want to do is put my mouth on her neck and suck on it. "Uh-uh," she say, and suddenly we've switched positions and she's on top and fuck, that's hot, she's hot. She finds my ear and gently nibbles it. "I want my revenge," she whispers and fuck, her voice sounds like literal porn and she traces her lips down my jawline and finds my neck and starts kissing it, sucking it, and fuck, it feels good, she feels good.

The temperatures are higher than high, it's hotter than hot. Her hand is on my stomach, underneath my shirt. I want her to move it and I don't know if she doesn't because she doesn't want to or because I want her to. Whatever it is, it's working. The place between my legs? Definitely not dry. One of her hands is moving up now, closer to my chest, the other one down, closer to that definitely not dry spot. She's close, really close, and then she stops and fuck, she looks at me and I look at her, let out that weird sound, telling her I want it, if she wants it, I want her, if she wants me. And she's still looking at me and then she smiles and I smile and then - a bang on the door. She moves back a little and I groan, but in a different way than before.

"Should we...?"

"Ignore it," I say.

She laughs and I laugh. I pull her face down, connecting our lips again. We continue kissing, but after the fifth bang, I let out another groan, and she gets off me. I get off the bed, annoyed but also disappointed, and open the door.

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