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I wake up next to Emmie, watching her sleep for a little longer before I get out of bed and start to get ready for work. I pick an all black pant suit with a white button down, while I'm in the shower I hear Emmie's alarm go off. She knocks on the bathroom door then enters to do her make up in the mirror.

"Good morning, Les"

"Good morning, Em" I smile, washing my body then turning off the water. I grab my towel and throw it around my body, getting out of the shower to see her applying foundation on her face, "Sleep well?"

"Yes" She nods, looking at her work in a hand mirror before starting onto something new, "Did you?"

"Yes" I shrug, walking into the bedroom to put clothes on and let her work on her make up. I quickly throw my clothes on then walk into the kitchen to grab a chocolate chip muffin to eat before we leave. I quickly look in my briefcase to check if I have all I need for the day, then set it next to the door so I don't forget it. Emmie walks out fully dressed and grabs a bagel from the cabinet

"Ready?" She asks before taking a bite of her bagel

"Yes" I nod, kissing her on the lips softly before we leave the house to head to work

When we get into the car, Emmie immediately turns on the radio and Rihanna floods to car

"Cause I didn't mean to hurt him/ couldn't been somebody's son/ and I took his heart when I pulled out that gun" Rihanna sings her song Man Down

I begin to drive, heading in the fair direction of work. I honestly don't want to go in, but I just helped close a major case and am needed to help start the next one. I would rather chill at home with Emmie and watch Netflix. The last case really did a number on my sleep and energy, but I think this weekend I will finally catch up on my much needed rest. Hopefully

"You're quiet" Emmie notes, placing her hand on my thigh, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I shrug, "I'm just super tired from working so much lately"

"Yea, I think we both deserve a vacation" Emmie nods her head, "Maybe we could go to Florida to visit my aunt?"

"That sounds like a good idea" I agree, "I think being halfway across the U.S. is a good idea"

"I will text her and talk to her about it"

"Do that"

There's a moment of silence while she texts her aunt, and I listen as Niykee Heaton's Sober begins to play

"Feel it race/ going numb/ got me beatin' like a drum" Niykee sings softly, the beat coming through the speaker as I speed up a little to get through traffic so that I can make it to work on time. I have 15 minutes before I have to be there, but still. I can use a few minutes to breath when I get there instead of rushing to get time to myself. Once I pull up to the office, I help Emmie out of the car and we walk into the office together. The office is empty, for now, so we relax at our desk for a few minutes before the others arrive.

After about 10 minutes of quiet relaxing, Henry walks in with Jocelyn, Jennifer, and Kate trailing behind him

"Good morning !" Jennifer smiles as she walks through the door, "After the win we had yesterday? I didn't want to come in today!"

You and me both, Jennifer. You and me both.

"We have a few light cases to go through, so let's make the best of our time so we can get it done" Kate smiles, walking into her office and closing the door behind her.

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now