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It's been months since I lost one of my best friends, and there's not one day since that I haven't checked my phone to see if there's a text from her. It's crazy to think that someone could be here one second then gone the next. Anissa has been trying to help me cope with it all, and for that I am grateful because I know I can't do it without her by my side. She's been patient with my grieving and even going to therapy with me sometimes when it just gets too overwhelming for me. The shooter, Rick Thomas, was charged with 2 counts of murder and a few other major felonies without bail. As much as it relieves me that justice was served? I still feel like it just wasn't enough.

"Baby?" I hear Anissa close the front door to our apartment, "Are you hungry ? I brought home food"

I get up from the bed and walk into the living room to see food bags from Zoë's Kitchen in her hands along with a cupholder with two drinks, "Let me help you with that"

She hands me the drinks and I follow her to the kitchen to set it all down, "I figured you don't want to cook tonight, so I grabbed healthy food to bring home instead"

"Has anyone told you that you are amazing lately?" I kiss her on the lips

"Just you" she smiles, "let's eat"

I help her open the containers of the food and set them out on the table. We dig in, conversing about our day while we eat.

"I pulled a guy over that tried to argue me about women being in law enforcement" Anissa tells me, "he goes on to say especially Black women because "n***rs" shouldn't be enforcing the law but cowering in it. Then he goes on to say that black people are a dying breed and he hopes I die by a white man's hands one day"

"Oh wow" I raise my eyebrows, "He sounds like a racist dick"

"Definitely" she nods, "Probably voted for Trump a few years ago thinking it was going to help white supremacy"

"Probably" I nod, "Bet he wouldn't have said all that shit if it was up to you to save his life"

"Definitely not" she shakes her head, eating another fork full of her food

Sometimes I get worried about the nature of Anissa's job. She has to deal with so many crazy people that I feel would rather hurt her than to stand behind her. Being a black female gay cop is hard enough for her without them making it harder. Sometimes I wish she didn't have to save the dicks and the assholes in life, but she chooses to wake up every day and puts on the badge that holds her liable to.

"I can see you're getting upset, so we can talk about your day instead?" Anissa offers, searching my face with her eyes

"I mostly just helped plan some meetings abroad" I shrug, "Mr. Kingston wants me to go with Lana to her next meeting in Korea, but I don't know about all of that"

"You should go" She looks down at her food, "It'll be an adventure, especially because you both work well together when getting your job done"

"We do, but for a week ?" I take a bite of my food, "I don't know if I can handle being away from you that long"

"You might love it" she shrugs, "I would love to go to Korea, it's beautiful there and their culture is pretty amazing"

This is what I've been waiting to hear her say, "Oh? And did I forget to mention he said you could come since Jane is likely tagging along too?"

Anissa drops her fork onto her plate, looking up at me with surprise on her face, "Really?!"

"Yea" I smile, placing my fork down before grabbing her hand in mine, "It's to be set in two weeks when Lana and Jane get back from Italy, which they left for earlier this morning"

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now