Chapter 10

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The sun is setting as we pull into a long winding driveway covered with trees on both sides. I sit up in my seat as Quentin pulls up to a fairly large pack house. I turn towards him as he shuts the car off and turns to say something to me, but his eyes goes wide at something he see over my shoulder. He scrambles out of the car as I whip around to see a man speeding down the front steps of the pack house towards us.

"It's happening! Oliver's freaking out and wants you in there." The dark haired man points towards the pack house frantically. Quentin doesn't wait to hear another word, taking my hand in his he drags us up the fronts steps into the foyer of the pack house and down a long hallway to our right. I have no clue what's even going on, but I know it has something to do with Quentin's brother, Oliver.

"Oli!" Quentin shouts as he pushes open double doors that lead to what appears to be a small hospital area. A women behind the desk stands as we enter wordlessly pointing to a door down the right hallway. Quentin nods to her pulling me along as he opens the door without knocking.

"Asshole!" A feminine yet furious voice grunts, and it sounds like she's in pain. Without hesitation Quentin pulls open the privacy curtain revealing the scene in front of us. A woman is laying on the hospital bed clearly in labor. A man with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes looks up in our direction appearing relieved at the sight of Quentin.

"Thank goddess." The man that I'm assuming is Quentin's brother motions for us to come closer. I slip my hand out of Quentin's as he walks around the bed to stand next to his brother as I awkwardly stand to the side not wanting to intrude.

"You must be Tessa. I'm... Fuck.. Emma." She screws her eyes shut in pain letting out ragged breathes in between words. "This jackasses mate." She sends a glare towards Oliver. Quentin is occupied whisper encouraging words to Oliver, so I just shuffle my feet looking anywhere but Emma. I feel like I'm intruding even though she doesn't seem upset about me being in the room. "Come over I could use another woman during this." Emma motions for me to come closer so I walk to the side of the bed.

"I don't want to intrude. I can leave if you want." I suggest because this is my first time meeting them and she's about to give birth.

"Non sense we're basically family now." She has to pause to squeeze Oliver's hand so hard he winces. "Plus this is going to be one hell of a story." She chuckles but starts yelling in pain real quick. I glance to the doctor situated at the end of the bed nervously. He glances up to Emma with a smile.

"Alright Emma it's time to push." I suck in a breath realizing this is happening now. The blood drains from Oliver's face at his words, and Emma's playful demeanor vanishes. Quentin catches my eye giving me a reassuring smile.

"Shit dicks." Emma swears grasping my hand tightly. I move closer to the bed so she doesn't have to reach so far for my hand. The doctor instructions her how to breathe and to keep pushing as Oliver kisses her forehead pushing damp hair off her face. "Motherfuucckkerr." She screams one last time before a loud shrill bounces off the walls.

"It's a boy." The doctor announces lifting a small baby covered in blood and birth goo. The room spins as everyone's cheering sounds so far away. Quentin calling my name is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

* * *

The pounding in my head seems to be mimicking the beat of a machine beeping near me. Rolling over I open my eyes only to be greeted by darkness. I panic sitting up ignoring the dizziness that follows. A hand slips into mine catching my attention. Quentin sits in a chair next to the hospital bed I'm situated in.

"I'm sorry." I apologize looking back around the room my eyes landing on Oliver and Emma curled up together in the bed next to mine. I can't believe I fainted. Quentin smirks kissing my knuckles.

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