Chapter 13

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A cool breeze blows across my skin prompting goosebumps to spread across my exposed skin. I pull the blanket tighter around me to warm up and turn around hoping to escape the cold, but the sun is so bright I can see it with my eyes shut. Sighing I squint my eyes open and feel around the bed for Quentin. I throw the covers off me standing up and stretching before continuing my journey to find Quentin. It's odd that he didn't wake me up to tell me he was leaving or even leave a note.

Desending down the stairs the air only seem to get cooler as the hard wood floor chills my toes with each step. I look in the living room and kitchen but he's no where to be seen. Heading down the hallway to check the spare bedroom I notice the back door wide open, which would explain the low temperature in the house. Shutting and locking it I continue my way to check the spare bedroom but come up empty handed.

An unsettling feeling begins to form in my stomach. Deciding I need to find Quentin now I rush out the front door hoping to bump into someone who knows where he is so I don't have to wander aimlessly through the pack house. The sun is slowly becoming obscured by dark storm clouds causing the air to get even colder. I guess it was naive of me to hope for an early spring.

No one seems to be out and about today since I haven't seen a single person and I'm almost to the pack house. With each step I take my anxiety swells within me increasing my desperation to find Quentin. The air feels heavy almost making it hard to breath. I walk up the back steps to the pack house making my way inside only to find it deserted. Okay now I'm frightened. I may have only been here for a week but never has nobody been around like this.

"Hello?!" I shout hoping someone appears and puts my fears to rest. Unfortunately I'm only met with the echo of my voice traveling throughout the place. Just as I open my mouth to try again a blaring alarm pierces the dead silence. I cover my ears jumping back startled by the sound. I swear I haven't ever heard this alarm before but I feel recognition in my gut.

"Quentin?!?" I scream running outside towards the direction of Emma and Oliver's house. The alarm doesn't stop like I assumed it would . In fact I'm pretty sure it's getting louder. My feet feel numb at this point from the freezing ground combined with the running.

"Oliver?! Emma?!" I scream as their home comes into view. My heart is punding out of my chest and my lungs burn from shortens of breath. I hate whatever is happening so much I don't think there is a proper word to describe it.

A familiar shrill cry slices through the air chilling me to my bones. With wide eyes I stop dead in my tracks whipping my head around to figure out which direction I heard Otis's cry.  My hearts drops into my stomach as he cries again only this time it sounds more like a sob.

"Otis?!" I bellow tearing off into the direction of his cries even though there's no way he can respond. As his crying gets louder my heart beats harder causing me to shake all over. Each step I take is a gamble on whether my wobbly legs will hold me up.

I cover my mouth even though there is no scream for me to muffle since I'm so horrified by the sight in front of me. Otis sits there on the ground surrounded by leaves and twigs covered in blood but it's not his blood, it's Emma's. She laying on the ground lifeless bloody with multiple claw marks covering her body. I move to snatch Otis so he doesn't have to see this, but his appearance stops me. He's older with longer hair and a chubbier face. It's like he aged three years over night, but I know it's him because of his eyes.

Something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, a black blur. It's a wolf I can feel it but I don't have any time to react as I'm knocked to the ground by something as the blur lunges towards Otis.

* * *
Shooting straight up the bedroom is pitch black the moon still high in the sky. I rip the covers off me ignoring Quentin trying to get my attention. I can see his mouth moving out of the corner of my eye but I hear nothing. With one priority I jump out of bed sprinting down the hallway to the stairs. Quentin's right behind me his heavy footsteps rattle the floorboards beneath my feet.

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