Chapter 27

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"Oh my god my innocent eyes!" The shouting startles me awake, but in my groggy half asleep state I can't figure out where it came from. Maybe it was in my dream. Resting my head back onto Quentin's chest I listen to his heartbeat hoping it will lull me back to sleep.

"What the hell is going on? Oh!" My head spins as I stumble out of bed trying to figure out who is in our living room yelling. Gripping the nightstand I grab my phone checking the time only to see we overslept. My family is downstairs excepting decorations to be set up but it's a bare living room and kitchen. I bend down to grab my shirt off the floor but my hand comes into contact with nothing.

"Shit!" I yelp remembering exactly where my clothes are, scattered across the living room floor. Quentin shoots straight up his hair sticking up in all directions as he scans the room with sleep filled eyes. Ignoring his quizzical expression I sprint into our closet and throw the first shirt and shorts my fingers come into contact with. Quentin still hasn't moved as I race out of our bedroom nearly falling down the stairs.

"I'm sorry!" I yell as I frantically pick up both me and Quentin's clothes feeling hot from my head to my toes. I'm just thanking the Moon Goddess that we waited until we were upstairs before tearing off our underwear, but either way there's no doubt that my family knows exactly what went down. "We accidentally slept in." I stand up reluctantly turning to face Della and family. During any other moment I would have rejoiced seeing Emeric and Melody tagging along, but the way blush is coating her cheeks and he's holding in laughter it doesn't feel appropriate.

"Clearly." Della scoffs in utter shock but with a hint of playfulness. Her words are what does Emeric in and he doubles over with laughter causing my ears to burn in embarrassment. This isn't exactly how I envisioned this morning happening. To make matters worse Quentin chooses this moment to walk down the stairs in nothing but sweatpants while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You might want to put those away before your dads show up." Aidan clears his throat pointing awkwardly to the clothes in my hand. Thankfully he doesn't look angry, not that he should be considering I'm an adult, but I still feel bad that they had to see this. Victoria looks stunned and hides partially behind Della to hide her wondering eyes that are glued to Quentin. Troy on the other hand still has a hand covering his eyes like he's a toddler.

"I'm sorry." I hurry up the stairs and past Quentin who looks like he's finally processing what's happening. Dropping the clothes on the bedroom floor I slump down on the end of our bed burying my face in my hands.

"Don't be upset. It's going to be okay." I feel the familiar sparks as Quentin pries my hands away from my face. His eyes are full of worry as he wipes the single tear from my cheek. I'm not really upset but more so extremely embarrassed. "I'm sorry." He apologizes even though none of this is his fault. I take his hand off my face kissing his palm.

"It's not your fault. I'm just embarrassed that my family saw the remnants of our adventurous night." I snort bitting back my smile as a smirk spreads across his face.

"It could be worse they could have showed up last night as a surprise instead." My eyes widen and my cheeks burn at the mere thought of that possibility. "But seriously how are you feeling?" He runs a hand down my arm taking my hand in his. "Are you sore?" He lowers his voice just in case anyone is lingering by the door, but I highly doubt that after the whole  shit show downstairs.

"Nothing I can't handle." I admit truthfully. Sure I'm a bit sore but it's worth it. "Thank you." I lean forward placing a gentle kiss against his lips savoring this one last quiet moment before our day of chaos.

"For what?" He pulls back tilting his head slightly to the right with curiosity swirling in his silver eyes. It's moments like this when he's care free with a hint of innocence to his demeanor that fuels me to end the council once and for all. If it wasn't for them Quentin's parents would still be alive and a part of him that died with them would too.

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