Chapter 23

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"Where are they?" I ask anxiously looking around the lobby for Nora and Elijah. Quentin gently takes my wrist pulling my hand away from my mouth where I was biting my fingernails again. "Sorry." I muster the best smile I can given the moment, and he just leans down planting a delicate kiss on my lips.

"It's okay, and they said they would be here in a few minutes." After calling the council about an emergency meeting they announced it to the rest of the packs, some of which asked it to be delayed a day to give them enough time to travel. Now two days later almost every packs Alpha, Luna, or both have converged at the same building we all did not too long ago.

"Are the numbers in our favor?" I whisper as Della, Aidan, Quentin, and I watch pack leaders filter into the largest meeting room. I've gotten a few smiles and waves since waking up this morning, but a handful of glares sent my way were enough to have me second guessing our ability to prove our innocence.

"Over half." Aidan has irritated that even if the council doesn't side with us enough packs would back us up to at least get everyone else protection from the rogues.

"They are here." Della points to Elijah searching the crowd on the other side of the huge room. Aidan doesn't waste another second making a beeline for him, and I take the moment to really look at Della. She been unusually quiet since breakfast this morning, and the wary look in her eyes has me on edge.

"Is everything okay?" I take a few steps to my left so I only she can hear my question. She turns staring at me with her green eyes as if she searching for something in my eyes. It's unnerving to see her so distracted.

"Remember when you were little and I always told you to trust your gut." Her lips lift into a smile as I nod my head. It was her golden rule to never do something if your gut tells you not to, and to be honest I never knew what she meant when I was younger but now I do. "This morning I woke up feeling this awful sense of dread, and the only way for me to compare it was the same feeling I felt when Blake's men stationed themselves outside our territory." I was young back then but I wasn't stupid, and can still remember how tense and heavy the atmosphere around the pack felt during those couple of weeks.

"I had another nightmare last night." I admit feeling guilty for not mentioning it earlier, but forgetting about it seemed like the best option based on the importance of today. Della's expression turns grim, grabbing my wrist in her hold she pulls me out of the room into the deserted hallway. "I've had it before but it didn't seem significant than, but now I don't know what to think. I was back at Black Moon, and this voice was telling me "you know the truth", but it morphed from an airy whisper into this menacing growl. Out of the corner of my eye I saw you running towards something, so I chased after you because it looked like you were in trouble. I lost you but then I heard voices arguing with one another. It was a woman and two men, but I couldn't really see their faces because I was hiding behind a tree." The door nexts to us swing open revealing a tense looking Aidan.

"Sorry to interrupt, but they are ready for us." His jaw clenches as he walks over to us. "The council took the rogue down to the cells." He mummers only loud enough for me and Della to hear.

"We will finish talking after." Della assures me leading us back to the door, but she stops me before I can walk in. "Even when you were little I knew you were destined to accomplish great things. Don't let the pressure make you forget how strong and intelligent you are. Now go in there and prove to everyone what we already know." She pulls me into an embrace before ushering all three of us back into the packed meeting room.

Quentin is standing next to our table waiting for me with my chair pulled out. He's constantly making these small gestures that show how much he cares when words don't always do the job. Pushing up onto my toes I plant a quick kiss to his cheek and settle in my chair as he pushes it in before taking the seat next to me.

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