Chapter 14

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As promised Della and Aidan came down a week later to visit bringing Troy and Victoria along with them. Sadly Emeric had to stay behind to watch over the pack, but Della said he promises to visit soon. The past week went by so quick since I spent all my time training with Carl and Quentin, and the rest of the time working on pack paperwork with Quentin. Now that it's Sunday Aidan and Della have to go back today I feel like the weekend went by faster than last week.

"Can I talk to you?" I walk up to Aidan as we are all cleaning up after breakfast. I still need to ask him about getting me my mother's documents and there is no more time to procrastinate. Della's busy making sure Victoria and Troy have their stuff packed and ready to go.

"Of course." Aidan stops drying a plate setting the hand towel down and walking over to the table motioning to the seat next to him. "What's up kiddo?" He asks with a semi concerned look.

"I want to know more about my mother, and I was hoping you could help. My nightmares have come back and Della said she believes it's me remembering that day." I pause to gauge his reaction so far. Aidan sits there silently but I can tell by the look in his eyes he's reliving that day. "I'm not so sure but regardless I still think it's time that I learn about her." I finish waiting for him to react.

"I have all the documents that our pack has on her with me." My eyes widen with shock at his admission. "Della and I already had a conversation about this and she had a feeling you would ask so we brought them just in case." He explains as my anxiety starts to swell. I thought I would have a few days to prepare before reading all her papers, but now knowing they're only upstairs sets me a bit on edge.

"Thank you." I send Aidan a half hearted smile fighting my nerves so they don't show.

"Tessa I would like to apologize." Aidan's eyebrows scrunch up together his face twisting in a painful way. "Your mother was innocent, and I let her down as her Alpha that day." I cut him off before he can continue taking his hand in mine.

"You don't need to apologize. I may not remember that day, but I can remember every day after and you have taken care of me and made sure I had a good life. You and Della have done more than most would so thank you, and I don't want either of you to feel guilty about my mom because you had no way of knowing what was going to happen that day." He squeezes my hand sending me a grateful smile.

"You're family sweetheart, and always will be." I pull him into a hug when I notice the tears swimming in his eyes. The stairs creaking breaks us out of our embrace. Turning I see Della walking over to us with a folder in her hands.

"You may not be blood or even ours, but I still think of you as my daughter." She smiles handing me the folder that weighs more figuratively than it does literally. "Call us if you need anything else and we'll do our best to find out." She hugs me as Quentin comes down the stairs with Victoria and Troy following close behind.

"I love you guys." I each give them one more hug before moving to say goodbye to my cousins. "I'll see you guys soon." Troy and Victoria followed Quentin and I around the entire weekend. Troy was fascinated watching how Quentin's pack differs from Black Moon. I can already see his Alpha like qualities peaking through, although he may have to fight Victoria for it because I saw the way she silently observed and took everything in the same way.

"Can I come back next weekend?" Troy asks eagerly bouncing on the balls of his feet. Della shakes her head rolling her eyes.

"Emeric has to visit one time before you can come down a second time." Della steps in to remind her son to share. We walk them out to the driveway where their car is parked. They decided it was safest to drive down in the car since they have the kids with them.

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