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^^ Jack (Mask On) ^^

There are times when you manage to act like a total jackass, and it ends up being wildly funny for everyone involved.

Today was not one of those days.

Having received a message requesting my time from a dashing young man at 3am, I was of the impression that he was here because he was rather intrigued by me and was wanting a romantic, or perhaps steamy, rendezvous; with that in mind, I dressed in a cougar robe and my flashiest set of digital lingerie, (a gorgeous red lace set that I'd gotten for a steal, about a year ago,) and headed up to the loft, descending down the stairs with slow, steady strides, my robe casually tied barely closed and really only there to give the illusion of modesty.

The armored man was sitting on my guest couch, positioned intentionally for this exact purpose, and froze like a deer in headlights as he laid eyes on me, though his head turned to slowly follow me as I made my way across the room and sat on the couch across from him; I crossed my legs and placed my arms on the back of the couch, which spread the robe out even further 'accidentally'. He gulped nervously, and I smiled, happy with my affect on him so far.

"Well... you've got a moment of my time, Jack... whatever could you need, knocking on the door of an unmarried woman so late at night?" I asked sultrily, trying to keep eye contact and failing because of the damned helmet he always wore.

'I... Uhm? I came because-... I mean, I came here because- you know how you fixed my Tag?' -Jack. He cleared his throat and looked away, leaning his elbows on his thighs and crossing his legs.

I raised an eyebrow slowly at the gesture. 'Ahhh... you have a V, my dear? Good to know...'  "Yes, of course... did you want it changed to something funnier? You picked an odd time to do it..." I smiled even wider, intrigued by the excuse he'd thought up.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to- I opened the game as soon as I got up the guts, and it must've been later than I thought, I didn't mean to bother you!!! I can come back tomorrow?!?' -Jack.

I chuckled softly. "Dear, I'm not angry, you can stop apologizing... now, what is it you wanted that required Guts, hmm? I assure you I don't bite... I prefer the gentler stuff."

If only I could see his face, I'm sure I could've lived off that expression for a month, no questions asked. The heat of his blush very nearly made the entire room ten degrees hotter as he flailed his hands in front of himself like he was signaling a plane. 'WAIT, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to ask you for a favor, is all, and you said you wouldn't mind, and then I felt awkward asking, and I just decided to ask, because the worst thing that could happen is you say no, you know?' -Jack.

"Ooh, Favors are my favorite... it's so good to see young men actually making sure their partners get what they need, it gives me faith in your generation..." I purred, moving sinuously across the short divide and sitting next to him, draping myself across the couch like a Tiger Rug and watching his panic with an amused gleam in my bright green eyes.

'Waitwaitwait- no that's not what I meant!!! I just wanted to ask you to help me with my Character!!!' -Jack.

I frowned slowly, and hummed, closing my robe with one hand. "You're sure? It's not because I came on too strong and you're having second thoughts? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, dear..."

'Nonono, you're great-, I mean you're very pretty-, I mean I'm flattered, but I really didn't come here for anything... like that?' -Jack. He hadn't moved away from me, which was a good sign, but he was clearly shaken by the proposition.

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