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^^ Slayer Skin ^^

Where I was going to keep the thousands of new Monsters was an issue I had to address Immediately; if the Grey Faction finished the Event and exited out to the sight of a Horde of Demons, no amount of explanations on my end would keep them from attacking, and either dying or destroying my newly collected war potential.

"Buy me a block of Space underneath a portion of my Ocean, and turn about fifty square feet of the area above it into a circular Island?" I sighed, looking at the screens of the Grey Faction as they slowly solved a puzzle that would lead them into the Boss Room with only 2 hours left in the Event.

Cost of 1000 Gold; Confirm?

"Confirm." I nodded, and as soon as it was added I sent my Slimes to eat away at the two blocks, creating a central cavern and several dozen offset caves and tunnels along the ceiling, empty for now. Once the Cavern was empty, I hopped off my Giant friend and began creating a ring of silver, about 30ft tall to fit all of them through, then activated 'Pocket-Plane'. "Go on, all of you. In you go." As they marched in, a river of Level 50 skeletons and vampires and giant hulking zombies, I opened my chat screen expectantly, waiting for the inevitable chat from the GM. While I waited, the Grey Faction solved the puzzle on the door, entering the Boss Room; there, above a  a Sea of Acid and marble Pillars, a Dungeon Architect waited for them, ominously floating above the Toxic, Acidic Mire below. "Ooooh... he's Dead. Dead Meat." I growled under my breath, muttering threats to the GM while the Giants dragged the Dragon Skeletons into the Dungeon and I returned to my Lab in the Ship.

GM Notice: '... Ms. Bordeaux, do I even need to say anything?'

"There's quite a bit you need to say, starting with 'I'm Sorry, Ms. Bordeaux, for my BULLSH!T THEFT OF YOUR ENTIRE DUNGEON FOR MY EVENT!!!' How about that?!?" I snapped, slamming my Fist into the table with a bang.

GM Notice: 'Well, that's a bit harsh, I certainly made alterations to your designs, and we've already addressed this; I've already apologized, what more would you have me do?'

"As if apologies make everything better?!? THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HIDDEN BOSS THAT NO-ONE HAS EVER SEEN BECAUSE I CREATED IT!!! I AM BEYOND P!SSED, GM, BEYOND!!!" I growled, and threw myself into my chair. "But whatever, you're right, why would I expect more than an apology? It's not like you broke your own rules and your promise to me, our Contract, the whole nine yards, why would I think your word meant anything to you? What more would I have you do? What, remove the Dungeon Boss and replace it with something from your own drawing board? Or, make the Dungeon Architect a non-Violent Charisma/Intelligence Clear with a 50/50 success rate and never ever use something of mine without permission ever again, on pain of legal action? Expect you to have some Balls in the upcoming updates when the Trolls complain about Alchemists being too OP, despite the fact that Warriors have Five Times as much HP as us? No, why and how would I expect any of that from you, given your showing so far?" I snapped bitterly at the air, conjuring a cup of tea to calm myself down a bit.

GM Notice: 'I understand that you're angry, and I understand why; I can only apologize, because interrupting and changing the Event while it is going would only aggravate the situation for the Players. Still, your Party is receiving the Gate Clear Rewards for the two Dungeons, as well as the Questline... but none of that allows you to have a Horde of Demons at Level 50 in a Level 30 Dungeon.'

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