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^^ Gemstone Dragon Matriarch + Eggs ^^

5000 XP Gained by Party: 500 XP Gained!
500 XP Gained from Skeleton Knight Lvl 10 (x10)
(Progress Lvl 12: 14,110/18K-> Lvl 13)

Seeing six skeletons survive, I sent my Lvl 10 Acid Slime forward and told it to spit acid onto them all, while the Poison (Lvl 5+10), Catalyst, Acid (Lvl 5), and Sleep Slimes all snuck along the roof over the impassive Minotaur. It was almost disappointing when the combined efforts of the acid and a few 'Destroy Undead's from the clerics shattered the skeletons like cheap pottery. Almost.

3000 XP Gained by Party: 300 XP Gained!
300 XP Gained from Skeleton Knight Lvl 10 (x6)
(Progress Lvl 12: 14,410/18K-> Lvl 13)

Elder Acid Slime Lvl Up... Max Lvl Reached! Evolving... Failed! Components required!

"Well that's rude..." I muttered, and ordered the slimes to drop onto the Minotaur. The sentinel finally responded, roaring in pain and rage as the acid ate through one of his eyes, then the poison got into the wound, followed by a flash of lightning from the Catalyst Slime, and then he fell to one knee, a timer above his head from the little Sleep Slime. "We've got forty-five seconds to kick his ass before the Tranquilizer wears off!" I whistled, honestly offended by the low amount of damage they'd done; 150 Dmg each due to the equation '10 x (Lvl[5]+ Con[10])', and it wasn't even going Per Second, because his Constitution Stat and Resistance Skill combined made him a tough nut to crack. Still, I hoped with 45 Seconds we'd do some decent damage.

Hellen horse-collared the gleefully charging Kenny just in time to avoid the pair of METEORS that were summoned by Jack and the other Mage, (still felt bad for not knowing his name,) slamming the Minotaur into the ground. "Now it's our turn." She released him, flying forward with her greatsword raised up to strike. All three Warriors and the two Clerics rushes forward as well, while the Ranged Uric and the two Mages stayed back, firing at the beast.

"He's got a metric f-ton of health, doesn't he?!?" I growled, rushing within sixty feet and shooting him in his undamaged eye, eliciting a soft, almost sleepy roar of protest.

"Minotaurs and Dragons always do!!!" Uric confirmed, shooting an arrow covered in Improved Catalyst at the Minotaur and creating a burst of flame that curled up the fur of the creature's face. It was now at 14% health, after taking all of the consecutive hits of the Mages, the Clerics, Uric's Armor Piercing Arrows, and the Warriors, plus my Slimes and my wimpy little Dart Shooter. I was dealing about 528 points of damage with each of my Acid Darts, which was Dart Dmg + Acid/2, because he was resistant to acid now, for some reason; it hadn't halved my Acid Slime's acid, but after that it was resistant to the rest of the acid. Hmph. Either way, Kenny and the others were dealing upwards of 720-960 per hit, which I suppose made sense as they were five levels above me.

"3 seconds left of the Sleep Effect, MOVE!" I snapped, having the sleep slime spit at him again, but of course he resisted it this time. The clerics immediately jumped back to 60ft of safety, while Hellen and the Warriors stayed close to deal a few more hits.

The Minotaur groaned once, low and loud, then set his meaty, muscular fists down on the ground, pushing off and standing up with sheer upper body strength. A mystical shimmer appeared over his hands, and a battle-axe as tall as most houses appeared, making his 15ft of height look even more impressive than before. He raised it up above his head instantly, roaring savagely, and then fell again, as Jack and his mage pal shot a pair of fireballs into his face, and he dropped down to 4% HP.

"Sam!!! You're up!!!" Hellen called out, stepping aside.

I gasped and rushed forward giddily, leaping onto the creature's shoulder and grabbing its Horns for stability. "Gimme-Gimme-Gimme!!!" I hissed excitedly, activating the Servant Contract.

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