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^^ Guild Castle (visible part) ^^

The headquarters of the Grey Superbia Guild was a relatively small Castle atop one of the four Titans' Helmets, -specifically the plumage,- as all four of the Top Guilds were, but instead of traveling there by way of teleportation, as most people had to, I drove my Ship right up to their front door, unstealthed, and grinned at the kicked-beehive response of hundreds of Seraphim and Seducers flying up around us and targeting us with magic spells immediately. "Hello, there!!! My name is Captain Bordeaux, and I've come to join your Guild! Kindly lower your weapons and cease chanting your spells, or I will test out my Cannons on you, first!!!" I called out cheerfully, rotating the ship so I was broadside-towards the Guild Castle and opening all 150 Gun Ports. As I did so, and the long Silver Barrels began to exit the Hull and glow like a radioactive porcupine, the spells they were chanting sputtered out, one by one.

After a few minutes, a seducer appeared from the building and flew up to us, landing on the railing of the ship near the Helm and waving a greeting. "Permission to come aboard, Captain?" The Seducer was in his forties, perhaps, wearing a tailored suit with a simple wand on his belt, and the Tag above him was 'Auld-Lang-Syne, Lvl 50'.

"Permission Granted, sir. I take it you're the leader of this branch of the Guild?" I asked, releasing the Helm to a Golem and taking a seat at the small table under some cover from the baking sun, so high up. I waved him towards the opposite seat, and then commanded a Golem to fetch us some iced tea.

"I am, yes... this is the first time someone's ever held my Guild Hostage, did you know that? Very unorthodox." He hummed, taking the seat and glancing at the Golem as it placed a glass in front of him and poured some tea.

"I did no such thing; I simply told the people pointing spells at me to cut their nonsense or I would blast them out of the sky! Also, I imagine everything about this is Unorthodox, including my invention here, the Lady Luck." I patted the table lovingly, and picked up my glass of tea while my Party sat down at the table and nodded respectfully to the older gentleman.

"Curious... I wasn't aware that such things were possible, but the Alchemist Class hasn't received the same amount of attention as the others; perhaps if it had, flying ships and rifles and Cannons wouldn't be something coming into the game so late." The older gentleman shrugged casually, apparently unconcerned with the situation.

"Perhaps. Now, Introductions; my name is Captain Samantha Bordeaux, a Level 25 Labyrinthian, this is Hellen, a Level 26 Paladin, Kenny, a Level 26 Knight, Uric, a Level 26 Mage-Slayer, and Jack, a Level 26 Druid, and my Ship is the Lady Luck, the first and only Sky-Ship in this World, according to the GM. And you are?" I introduced us all in order as I looked around the table, and looked back at him expectantly.

"Frederick Tangent, Guild Master of 'Superbia', the #1 Guild in the City of Adepts, pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He smiled and gave a half-bow from his seat, then leaned back and crossed his legs. "Now, you said you came to join my Guild... why should I allow you to do so? You're all Level 25 and 26, barely even capable of surviving the lowest-leveled dungeons in this City; you are a liability to any Party I place with you."

"I have several reasons why you should accept us; but first, we will enjoy this cold drink, and observe the proper formalities expected of society. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Tangent, and I look forward to working with you." I nodded and drank my tea calmly, keeping an eye on the older gentleman as he chuckled and obliged my demand. Once we'd finished, I stood up and brushed my skirts down to their natural resting position. "Now! Shall we retire to the Parlor for the remainder of this conversation? The View is worth it, I assure you."

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