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"Here's 4,000 Platinum for each of you, don't ask where it came from, you're welcome." I tossed small bags of coins to Hellen and Kenny, then handed Jack his share of the Bidding, (which had totaled out at about 240,000 Gold when all six rounds were finished,) and sat down at the table.

Hellen fumbled her bag comically and then hid it in her lap, hissing at me softly. "What-no, wait, we can't accept this?!? Where-"

"Bup-bup-bup! What did I say? No questions!" I raised a finger imperiously.

"You can't just give people forty thousand dollars and then tell them not to ask questions!!!" Kenny grumbled, agreeing with Hellen.

"Merry Christmas." I shrugged casually, and smiled at the conversation at the table to the left of us.

"That Bidding War was Crazy!!! I've never seen so many Level 30's pouring out cash like leaky taps, dude!!!"

"Rumor has it it was one of us that did the whole auction, too!!! What kinda Balls do you gotta have for something like that?!?"

"It's not Balls, boys, it's Gall; anyone can have it." I chuckled, and then smiled at my Party while the two guys found a different table to sit at.

"You did something crazy, didn't you?" Hellen frowned.

"First of all: I protest! Second of all: No Questions! And Third: Crazy is Subjective. Enjoy your early Christmas Gift from me. Part two of the gift is coming soon, once everyone is here." I shrugged, and looked at the door as it swung open, and four people strode in swiftly, their Level 30 Tags causing a hush in the room.

"Sup, Guys, pull up a chair and have some Root-Beer, we've got some announcements to make!" I waved to them amicably, surprising them out of their little power walk as I took back attention in the room, creating a large screen on the wall and displaying a list of levels and alignments.

"Ooooh no." Uric slowly placed his face in his hands.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Calends of December Event for the Novice Rank Players! Today, we're going into a series of dungeons, either Level 20, Level 25, or Level 30, which will require those wannabe-rockstars from earlier to get running soon if they want to get to their Dungeons in the Advanced Hunting Grounds, 25 miles directly east of here! Unless, of course, they're not even taking part, which in that case I don't know why they're here at all?" I smirked at them as they frowned and glared at me.

"What is that? Uric?" Hellen asked Uric quietly.

"Still, after that, we'll be taking part in a PvP event for all three Factions; what you see behind me is a list of our Enemies, potential allies, and potential Clients. Last night, this Data was sold in an 'Anonymous' Auction, causing something of a Panic amongst the Light and Dark Factions. They scrambled to buy their enemies Data and protect their own, but now you're getting it for free. Some of it may be inaccurate, because they may change their equipment now that they know it was all leaked; regardless, it's worth knowing their classes and levels. Every group of Grey Faction Adventurers is receiving this list in all its detail... now." I sent the list to them all through the Faction Message-Board.

The room erupted into sound, and I waited for it to end somewhat patiently... then I frowned when it didn't even abate slightly after a few minutes. When the five minute mark came around, I sent a jump-scare telegram to each of them, and glared at them all as they turned their attention back to me.

"Now! We'll be challenging a Level 20 Dungeon today, and our Reward, according to the GM's, is going to be pretty damned sweet; as such, we need to either Win or Tie for the Last Faction Standing!!! Standard procedure seems to be to hire ourselves out like mercenaries and help one side win for a share of the reward, but I, along with the other Alchemists, will be selling potions on the sidelines to make a quick buck; the warriors in this group can make a share of our profits by guarding us instead of joining the fray, but that's entirely your choice. Clerics, your class always heals people on the sidelines for a Fee, so you'll likely be near me and properly guarded by the Warriors as well! Archers and Mages, I don't really have any idea what you should be doing, that's Kenny's thing. My announcements are over, any questions? The event goes live in an hour, so don't be shy!" I looked around for questions, turning the screen behind me to a cycling slideshow of all the different Terrains we could be in for, as well as the enemies, from the Dungeon Monsters to the Light and Dark Faction people.

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