Ch. 1- The cinema

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What sort of loner goes to the cinema alone? That's what Alex Wake thought as she shuffled towards the ticket counter. She had been desperate to see this movie for weeks, but her friends couldn't arrange a time with her, so here she was, a pretty 17 year old, by herself. She actually had no problem being alone, but as she saw the crowds in line to buy tickets for the latest scary blockbuster she started to regret her decision, suddenly feeling lonely amongst the business.

"Hey, are you here alone too?" Came a voice out of nowhere. Alex turned around to see the owner of the voice was the most gorgeous woman Alex had ever seen. She was tall, but not too tall, and slim, with shoulder length brown hair that shimmered in the light, revealing a red tinge to it. Her face was beautiful and Alex couldn't help but stare at the wonder before her. "Hello? Anybody there?" The voice interrupted Alex's thoughts and she started to blush, realising she had been caught staring. "Oh. Sorry. Yes I'm here alone. I'm Alex by the way." Phew. She managed to actually form coherent speech, not bad for a girl so nervous that her legs were shaking. How was this woman having such an effect on her? It must have been her incredible beauty. "I'm Kate. Nice to meet you!" Said the pretty stranger as she extended a hand for Alex to shake. As the women touched, Alex felt a tingly feeling in her stomach and the tension caused her hairs to stand up on the back of her neck. Seriously, how was this woman doing this to her?

For Kate, the feeling was mutual. The blonde, tanned girl in front of her was the most beautiful human being she had ever laid eyes upon. Her body, although unfortunately covered, was obviously trim and toned; her hair seemed silky and smooth, and Kate just longed to reach out and stroke it. After a while, perhaps a moment too long, the pair released each other's hands. Kate felt an emptiness in her palm, but all too quickly Alex was called forward by the cashier, and moved out of Kate's lustful gaze. In the crowds, Kate couldn't see Alex and headed glumly to her movie. She sat down in the first seat she saw and a few moments later a girl sat next to her. Alex. As Alex sat down, she smiled at the brunette, whispering "Hey again!"

"Hey," replied Kate, staring once again at the blonde beauty next to her, "I lost you in the crowd."

"I know. I lost you too, but then I saw your hair and those mega tight skinny jeans, and I followed you here."


"Don't lie you love it," Alex replied with a wink.

"Maybe. Depends on who's doing the stalking. As it's you I won't call the police just this one time," Kate replied sarcastically. Just as Alex was about to respond the lights dimmed and the curtains opened to reveal the cinema screen.

Partway through the movie, the tension built up. Soon, everyone in the cinema was either covering their eyes with their hands or were, quite literally, perched on the edge of their seats. The scream pierced the room, and everyone jumped. In an automatic reaction, Kate reached out for the nearest thing to grab for comfort - Alex's hand. The two women held on firmly to each other's hands for the entirety of the film, loving the surge of excitement they got from just body contact with one another. As the lights brightened they reluctantly let go and stared at each other. "Kate, I'm sorry I have to go. I've got a bus to catch," Alex murmured after a while.

"That's ok. Just one thing," replied the brunette,"can I have your number?" Yes! Yes! Yes! In Alex's mind she was screaming with excitement. This amazing woman wanted HER number. "Of course!" She exclaimed, with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm. Kate giggled and they exchanged numbers. Alex began to shuffle away. "Wait," It was Kate. She pulled her arms around Alex's waist and placed her lips gently on the the blonde's. Alex, reeling from the shock, took a moment to respond, but her lips opened, allowing Kate's tongue in. As their tongues danced, Alex began to nibble on Kate's bottom lip, drawing a moan from the brunette. They kissed for what seemed like hours, but must have only been a few minutes. All too soon, Alex broke the kiss and walked away, looking back over her shoulder with a cheeky grin and leaving Kate in awe.

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