Ch. 16- Waiting

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Kate tapped her foot against the immaculately clean grey plastic flooring. She was impatient, tired and hungry. She felt like she hadn't slept in three days. Kate hadn't left Alex's side. Actually, that was a lie, she had, but only when she was forcibly removed by a nurse at the end of visiting hours. Other than that, her hand had been virtually superglued to her student's. Kate had easily got the time off work; as one of Alex's teachers, she was a suitable candidate to see that Alex was in good hands and that her parents and all other relevant people were informed of the accident. After that was all sorted, Kate cashed in on some leave she had stacked up due to never having a day of in the time she had worked at the school. The head seemed very understanding, and so there Kate was, at the hospital, next to Alex, all day long.
Kate had met Alex's parents for the first time. Obviously, she introduced herself as Alex's teacher, not as 'Alex's ex', this was not an appropriate moment for that conversation. John and Michelle weren't so lucky with their attempts to take leave, but still visited their daughter whenever they could. When they were there, Kate tried to make a good impression, talking about their daughter, and about how wonderful she was to know. Of course, she didn't cling to Alex when they were there. Kate restrained herself and put more distance between her student and herself when they were present, it was the best thing to do, she thought.
"Kate, please stop tapping," Michelle murmered, looking up from her magazine.
"Sorry. Nervous habit," Kate replied.
"What are you nervous about? Alex?"
"Yes. I lo-. I really like your daughter. She's an amazing girl. Got so much ahead of her. I just want her to be ok, you know?"
"Yes, I understand. She will be, I'm sure. She's a fighter."
"I know. She definitely stands for what she believes in."
Guilt struck Kate then. How hard Alex had fought for them to be together, how it had always been Kate pushing her away. Now it was all wrong. Alex was unconscious, but she had the girl she had fought for. Did it really take an accident as horrific as what had happened to bring them together?
"Mmmmh," came a grumble.
"Alex?" Questioned Michelle.
Kate rubbed Alex's hand, attempting to rouse her, as both women stood over the bashed up blonde.
"Mmm. Wuugggh. Kuugh."
"What's that honey?" Michelle asked soothingly, lathing onto Alex's free hand. Alex's eyes momentarily flickered open, then shut again.
"Doctor!" Shouted Michelle, and a young attractive man rushed in. He raised the bed, and shone a small torch in both of Alex's eyes.
"Miss Wake. Can you hear me?"
"I'll take that as a yes. Can you tell me your first name please?"
"Al-ecks," groaned Alex with great difficulty. Her throat was dry and her neck felt like she had been hit by a car. Oh wait. She had. That was why it hurt so badly. Jeez.
"Tell me. Where's," Alex was concentrating so hard on forming words, they were coming out at a snail's pace, "Kate?"
"Here, baby. I'm right here," she lay a reassuring hand on Alex's and she turned her head to face her teacher. Shit. Kate just realised what she'd said. Not only had Alex called her teacher by her first name, very strange to an onlooker, but Kate had replied with an unmissable term of endearment. It must be so obvious to Michelle what was going on. Crap.
"Love. You," moaned Alex, seeming not to care if her mother was there or not.
"Love you too, Al," replied Kate. Well, if Alex didn't care then neither did she.
"Missed you."
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you away. You're right. We need each other. Nothing can get in the way of that."
"I can," said Michelle sternly, with a look of disgust in her eyes.

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